[Cobo] FW: CORE Project -- Financial Matters Work Groups

Gold, Sheri sgold at osrhe.edu
Mon Mar 11 16:24:45 CST 2002

Please see the correspondence below that was distributed to various state agencies on the new software implementation that the State is in progress of developing to replace the current ICS System.  

Each institution is invited to have a representative contact OSF directly (Brenda Bolander's number is given at the end of the following memo) and be added to the "core work group."  The Regents' staff have invited Jerry Stilwell and Brenda Bolander to the OACUBO "Public Breakout" Session to give and overall update and status report but we feel it would be helpful for higher education to be represented in the development stages and hope that some of you will want to join the core work groups.  Please see Brenda's original email below.

The CORE project is now underway and work groups are being formed.  The
work groups will be organized by subject matter, and each group will meet
periodically as related subjects are begin reviewed.  The members of these
work groups will be referred to as subject matter specialists.  At this
time, the financial area will be divided into three subject work groups
     1.  General ledger chart fields (financial reporting),
     2.  Accounts payable functions, and
     3.  Budget control functions.

Initially, these groups will meet for 3 to 4 hours at a time and will
impact critical decisions in setting up the related functions and processes
in the new system.  Therefore, it is imperative that the persons identified
as subject matter specialists have the following qualifications:
     1.  Have specific knowledge of agency policies and procedures in the
particular subject area,
     2.  Be in a position of authority to approve and implement changes in
agency policies and procedures, and      3.  Be able to commit to working
on the project, including periodic meetings, for the next 16 to 18 months.

Please respond to this email if you would like to participate as a subject
matter specialist.  In your response, please specify which particular work
group in which you want to be involved, and we will develop communication
lists for each group.  We will try to keep each group to 10 to 15 members
to facilitate good interaction.

Additionally, the first meeting for the general ledger chart fields group
will be this Wednesday morning, March 6, and we need to know who is
planning to participate in this work group ASAP so we can get additional
information to you before the meeting.

However, if you do not wish to participate in a work group,  I will assume
that you want to be kept otherwise informed of the progress of the project.
I will continue to send out information to you periodically, and you will
be able follow the project on its website:

Please let me know of any questions you may have.  My phone number at the
CORE office is 962-2402, but email is preferred.

Thanks, and I look forward to working with you on the CORE project.

Brenda Bolander

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