[Cobo] FW: Governor Fallin's State of the State Address

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Mon Feb 7 16:26:00 CST 2011

Please find the correspondence below that was sent to your Presidents
this afternoon. 



From: Johnson, Dr. Glen [mailto:gjohnson at osrhe.edu] 
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 3:30 PM
To: Presidents
Subject: Governor Fallin's State of the State Address












To:                  Presidents

From:             Chancellor Glen D. Johnson

Date:               Monday, February 07, 2011

Subject:          Governor Fallin's 2011 State of the State Address



I just returned from the State Capitol following Governor Fallin's State
of the State address and would provide you with the following brief
summary of the pertinent issues in her address impacting our state
system of higher education:


1.)    The Governor is recommending a 3% cut for the core state
government functions (higher education, common education, career tech,
transportation, public safety, and health and human services).  She will
recommend a 5% cut for all other agencies in state government. 

2.)    The Governor is asking our state colleges and universities to
move from their current individual purchasing card systems onto the
state system.  She indicates that this move will save $1.6 million
annually and will bring more accountability and transparency to the

3.)    The Governor is asking the Senate and the House leadership to
pass legislative reforms to protect the solvency of the state's pension
systems, with the understanding that Oklahoma's current pension systems
unfunded liability is $16 billion.


This is a quick summary of the key points in her budget address. We will
examine the FY 2011-2012 State Budget booklet in greater detail and will
advise you of any additional recommendations by the Governor impacting
our state system of higher education. 


I have also attached a copy of the statement I released to the media
immediately following the Governor's budget address. 


Please let me know if you have any questions. 



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