[Coil-l] COIL Bylaws - suggested changes and opportunity for comments

Upson, Matt matthew.upson at okstate.edu
Mon Nov 5 15:40:26 CST 2018

Hello everyone,

In an effort to update the COIL Bylaws, we wanted to share a Google Doc of some proposed changes<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KgHPyJdzDEz2l0Ve8gLq1khHvZb2KY4mjA6fzAkErB0/edit?usp=sharing> that provide for the election of a webmaster, as well as eliminate some outdated language related to communicating election results. Per the Bylaws, we'll have two weeks of time for you to review the proposed changes and respond, either directly to me or by commenting on the document.

What we'll likely do is have a vote on these changes, as well as officers for the upcoming year during the final week of Dec.

Thanks and please let me know if you have any questions.

Matt Upson [Profile<http://info.library.okstate.edu/matt-upson>]
Associate Professor
Director - Undergraduate Instruction & Outreach
Edmon Low Library - Room 306
Oklahoma State University
matthew.upson at okstate.edu

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