[COPLAC-IR] Assistance for COPLAC Communications Effort

William Spellman spellman at coplac.org
Tue Nov 26 10:00:30 CST 2013

Dear COPLAC Institutional Research Colleagues:

The COPLAC Governing Board (our 27 Presidents/Chancellors) has engaged the
services of a D.C. communications firm to assist with a consortium-wide
branding and communications campaign.

Iambic Enterprises is our service provider, and they have asked me for
assistance in gathering some consortium-wide information that will be used
to advance our sector in higher education.

I am writing to ask your help with the following questions. If you can
provide even approximate answers/information, I would be very grateful. A
response by *Monday 9 December* would be appreciated.

1. Can you provide any information on student debt load after graduation?

2. Can you provide any information on what percentage of your alumni enroll
in graduate school within two years of graduation?

3. How many Fulbright, Marshall and Truman scholars has your institution
produced over the past five years?

4. Do you have any data on graduation rates for students on Pell grants?

Thank you, and best wishes for the long holiday weekend.



Bill Spellman
Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges
One University Heights
Asheville, NC 28804
(828) 350-4590
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