Nancy Helsper helsper at morris.umn.edu
Wed Mar 4 11:38:46 CST 2015


My institution, the University of Minnesota, Morris, is thinking of going
from a 2-year cycle of conducting NSSE (every other year, even years) to a
3-year cycle.  We would do the CIRP survey of entering freshmen in fall
semester of the same year we do NSSE in the spring.  That way we would
expect to catch those entering freshmen who did CIRP as they are in their
senior year for NSSE.

My questions are:

1) What cycle are you using for the NSSE survey (if any cycle at all)?

2) Would you consider moving to a 3-year cycle (beginning spring 2017) or a
cycle that would include the same years as UMM?  (For instance, if you
offer it every spring, we are covered!)


Nancy Helsper


Nancy Helsper, Director of Institutional Research
Coordinator of Assessment / Catalog Coordinator
University of Minnesota, Morris
315 Behmler Hall
600 East 4th St.
Morris, MN 56267
helsper at morris.umn.edu
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