[COPLAC-IR] COPLAC Annual Meeting Invitation

William Spellman spellman at coplac.org
Tue Mar 14 10:49:17 CDT 2017

Dear COPLAC Institutional Research Colleagues,

The 2017 COPLAC Annual Meeting will be 22-24 June, hosted by Mansfield
University of Pennsylvania. This year’s theme is Making the Case for
Liberal Learning in and beyond the Classroom.  At the Board’s request, the
meeting will feature hands-on, in-depth workshops providing opportunities
for participants to really dig into issues facing public liberal arts
colleges and universities.

One of the two featured working groups at Mansfield will be: Institutional
Research and Predictive Analytics.

Potential working group topics include:


   Refining the COPLAC Annual Data Profile

   Developing evidence-based common metrics that will help member
   institutions to better advocate for their individual campuses

   Identifying and refining comparative data that help to identify our
   common strength and highlight these in COPLAC’s branding work

   Working with Marketing and Advocacy professionals at our member

We invite you to join with your colleagues from other COPLAC campuses to
discuss challenges, opportunities, tactics, and best practices. Working
groups will report out in a plenary session at the end of the gathering.

Registration for the Annual Meeting will open later this spring; you will
receive an email letting you know when the conference website is live –
please save the date and share this information freely on your campus to
any who might be interested in attending.

In the meantime, please take a moment to check out our new and improved
website <http://www.coplac.org/>! URL is the same, but the site has been
revamped, streamlined, and updated to provide current info, phone and
tablet responsiveness, and improved resources such as a new format for our
undergraduate research journal, Metamorphosis

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Hope to see you in June!

Bill Spellman, Claire Bailey, and Emma Anderson

Bill Spellman
Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges
One University Heights
Asheville, NC 28804
(828) 350-4590
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