[Counselors] Counselors question for the counselor's board

Nelson, Lisa lnelson at osrhe.edu
Fri Nov 22 07:49:26 CST 2013

From: Linda Scott [mailto:scottl at canton.k12.ok.us]
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 9:20 AM
To: Nelson, Lisa
Subject: Re: [Counselors] Counselors] question for the counselor's board

Before testing starts our school has a jump start for testing by having a "Watch Our Test Scores Soar" event in which we have an outside assembly on playground or football field
                    provide each student with a helium filled balloon
                    provide a short interactive motivational presentation
                    and release our balloons in unison
I love the squeals of excitement as the children watch their balloons take to the skies and drift off in the Oklahoma breeze.
We have added a tag on a short ribbon tied to the balloon, with school name & address for anyone who finds a balloon to let us know where it was found ect.
We involve our local newspaper for an article & pictures and post the article on our hall "Canton Tiger News" bulletin board.
 We can use the information we get back with lessons to locate how far the balloon had gone, geography of where it was found- so information is useful to correlate with our core curriculum subject areas: example: math-what percentage of balloons released got a response & what might have affected response.
This is a rather simple fun event our children and staff look forward to each year.
So enjoy ideas shared for test prep motivators!
Thank you all!
Linda Scott

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 3:12 PM, Nelson, Lisa <lnelson at osrhe.edu<mailto:lnelson at osrhe.edu>> wrote:
During the period of time between Christmas and Spring Breaks our Junior High has a competition that we call "Survivor, Pirate Island" (pirates are our mascot).  Each advisory class is a tribe.  They decide on a name and decorate their doorway in the theme of the year.  Prizes are awarded for each at the beginning of the contest.  During the week, we spend two days on quizzes of 4 - 7 questions drawn from released items.  A few students from each advisory compete each week in 'minute to winit' type games.  Points are awarded for the highest average and for the winners of the games.  Not only does this give students daily practice with the types of questions they will be exposed to, but it promotes camaraderie among the students.  It is a lot of work, but it has shown to be effective.  As a disclaimer, we did not come up with the idea - just applied it when we heard about another school doing it at a conference.
Jana Webb
jwebb at byngschools.com<mailto:jwebb at byngschools.com>

Bridge Creek Middle school made an A+ on our report card.  Several of our students put together this video for the kick off of our celebr "A" tion.


 ALL  of our students are getting small  "rewards" as a thank you for last year's hard work and as an incentive to continue their hard work this year.

Reward example:  Coke Floats...Rise to the Top!!  (Parents donated the ice cream and the coke.)

We have a small reward planned for 5 days followed by an academic assembly.

The students are really excited that they are being recognized for their efforts.

Thank You!!

Kerri Perry
Bridge Creek Middle School
 kperry at bridgecreek.k12.ok.us<mailto:kperry at bridgecreek.k12.ok.us>

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 12:03 PM, Nelson, Lisa <lnelson at osrhe.edu<mailto:lnelson at osrhe.edu>> wrote:
Please reply to counselors at lists.onenet.net<mailto:counselors at lists.onenet.net>

From: Kacee Poteet [mailto:kpoteet at bristow.k12.ok.us<mailto:kpoteet at bristow.k12.ok.us>]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 11:04 AM
To: Nelson, Lisa
Subject: question for the counselor's board

I was wondering what ideas everyone had for getting student's and teacher's excited (I know it's a stretch..LOL) about taking the OCCT's and EOI's.  I read the responses  for the rewards (Thank you for sharing those--lots of GREAT ideas), but I was curious how you get your kids motivated and excited before testing occurs.  I have a few ideas, but was curious to know what other schools do?

Thank you!

Kacee Poteet
Bristow High School
kpoteet at bristow.k12.ok.us<mailto:kpoteet at bristow.k12.ok.us>

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