[Counselors] ASVAB Testing

OSRHE EPAS PK-12 Counselor Discussion Board counselors at lists.onenet.net
Tue May 20 08:57:09 CDT 2014

We schedule this for juniors on the same day the sophomores take the PLAN.  It is offered to seniors as an option.  If you can get someone good from the ASVAB/ MEPS office to come out and provide an overview (we do this in US history classes), I think it is valuable information for the students. We have had military recruiters do the follow up in the past and I do not think it is as worthwhile for the majority of students because of the potential lack of experience (depending on who you get) and the focus on recruitment into whatever their branch of services is.

We test all juniors at Wister.
Donna Deaton
Wister High School

We do for seniors, but I'm not sure if I want to continue. If we do, I'll  switch it to juniors.
Tammy Duncan
Alva High School Counselor
District Test Coordinator

We offer the ASVAB in November every year--offered to both juniors and seniors.  That is the only time that we offer it.
Melinda Cyr
Counselor for students with last names P-Z
Owasso High School
12901 E 86th St N
Owasso, OK  74055
918-272-8026  Fax:  918-272-8028

Melinda.Cyr at owasso.k12.ok.us<mailto:Melinda.Cyr at owasso.k12.ok.us>

> I'm curious as to how many of you schedule the ASVAB test for juniors?  My
> principal wanted me to check around to see if we need to keep scheduling it
> at our school.
>  * z* *Laura Anderson   **z*
>   *Duncan  High  School Counselor*

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