[Counselors] Algebra 1 - EOI Project - "Shield Yourself"

OSRHE EPAS PK-12 Counselor Discussion Board counselors at lists.onenet.net
Wed Mar 23 09:09:33 CDT 2016

I got this email request from a math teaching friend from another district. Because I'm not familiar, I call on your expertise to bail us out!! Give me any and all information! I'd love to be able to send her contact info from you Pros if you'd allow. She was a counselor in our district but currently is blessing another district as a math teacher. Amazing young lady. What do you have to offer her or need me to ask as the middle man?

Her email question:
"Do you have any experience with the Algebra 1 EOI project "Shield Yourself"?  I have questions about the rubric and apparently anyone who knows anything about EOI projects at the state department has resigned.

Thank you!

Live a life of porpoise; don't be a jellyfish satisfied where the world's tide takes you. Choose...

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