[Counselors] FW: Online check sheet

OSRHEStudent Prep PK-12 Counselor Discussion Board counselors at lists.onenet.net
Wed Nov 14 20:56:44 CST 2018

There isn't a checklist for switching to online courses. Look over this website including the law to confirm your policy aligns.

Oklahoma Supplemental Online Course Program<https://osocp.ok.gov/>
Oklahoma Statute 70-1-111 makes supplemental learning opportunities available to local school district students using online technology in a nontraditional classroom setting, (i.e., inside or outside of public school site locations).

I would encourage counselors and districts to consider this:


 210:15-34-2. Access
     Only public school students enrolled in the district will be granted access to supplemental online courses. Each Oklahoma public school district shall provide enrolled students the opportunity to participate in supplemental online courses that comply with the standard curriculum of the public school. Once a student has made a request to enroll in supplemental online course(s), the district will be obligated to take necessary steps to determine the educational appropriateness of the request and to make online course(s) available to the student. Oklahoma public school students may take supplemental online courses from any online course provider selected and approved by the district that meets the criteria established by the Oklahoma State Board of Education. The school district shall not limit a student's access to supplemental online courses by either policy or application of internal or customary procedures. However, students taking supplemental online courses from a remote location will be responsible for providing their own equipment and Internet access.

Kristin Atchley, LMFT
Executive Director of Counseling
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 N. Lincoln Blvd., Suite 113
Oklahoma City, OK. 73105
Phone: (405) 521-3549
kristin.atchley at sde.ok.gov<mailto:kristin.atchley at sde.ok.gov>

We do not have a check sheet, but I would certainly include that online courses are NOT accepted by the NCAA eligibility center if we did have a check sheet!

On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 3:43 PM OSRHEStudent Prep PK-12 Counselor Discussion Board <counselors at lists.onenet.net<mailto:counselors at lists.onenet.net>> wrote:

We do not have a check sheet, but we tell them that if it can fit into their schedule to take the class on campus during the day, they must do so.  Our students can only do an online class for Credit Recovery or if they cannot make their schedule work and need it graduate (we have several who attend the technology center who must do an online course), or if they were in a concurrent class and withdrew and need that credit to graduate.

Our students may only take an online class if it is not offered on our schedule or if it is a class they must have and for some reason does not fit into their schedule (ie. because of a concurrent class conflict or a technology center conflict.)

The only way that our students can do any of their high school classes online is if they failed a class or they qualify for alt ed program.  NO EXCEPTIONS

We let any 9-12 grade student take an Edgenuity class but not if it is offered on our campus.  We use it because we are a small school and do not have a lot of electives available for our students. They have to sign a waiver saying that if they don't pass the class, they have pay for it and they are not allowed to take another Edgenuity for one year. When we decided to enforce this waiver this year, we have had a lot less students taking courses.

Kay Gilchrist

PreK-12 Counselor

Deer Creek- Lamont Schools

At Southmoore, we don't allow a single class switch to online classes after the first 10 school days.  However - we don't require a specific reason to switch to an online class at the beginning of each semester.  Students have various reasons (including I want to sleep in and come to school later or get out of school earlier to go to work) that they take a class online.  When a student takes a class online like this they are not allowed to be on campus during that class hour.  For this reason we schedule them at the beginning of the day or at the end of the day.

Students can go to all online classes until we run out of spots or until only a few weeks left in the semester.

Kristi Clayton
Southmoore High School
9th grade counselor

From: Counselors [mailto:counselors-bounces at lists.onenet.net<mailto:counselors-bounces at lists.onenet.net>] On Behalf Of OSRHEStudent Prep PK-12 Counselor Discussion Board
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2018 2:14 PM
To: counselors at lists.onenet.net<mailto:counselors at lists.onenet.net>
Subject: [Counselors] Online check sheet

We are having a lot of students wanting to take online courses (we use Edgenuity) for reasons that I don’t believe are valid. Ex: the class is too hard, I have a “B” and I have to have an “A”, I don’t like another student in my class, etc. It is local policy; however, I am searching for some kind of written check sheet to switch to an online course,  that your district has made as a requirement. I want to be able to pull this out and let them see that they do not meet the requirements to switch to an online class. Any help would be great!

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