[Counselors] Fighting Addiction through Education

OSRHEStudent Prep PK-12 Counselor Discussion Board counselors at lists.onenet.net
Wed Sep 5 21:08:29 CDT 2018

On Monday I was reading the Oklahoman. I came across an article about the drug epidemic in Oklahoma. Sen Lankford was quoted in the article. The article mentioned an organization that had been formed to combat the problem-- FATE--Fighting Addiction Through Education. It was started by a man who had lost his son to drugs. This organization has released a video series--Killing t pain. It has 7 episodes. It can be downloaded at http://www.killingpain.com./. I watched several episodes and think they will be great for any drug classes you need to teach your students. I plan to use them with my high school classes. Be sure to preview each episode before you use it.
Nancy Reed, Counselor; Keyes School

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