[Counselors] Anonymous reporting apps-pros/cons

OSRHEStudent Prep PK-12 Counselor Discussion Board counselors at lists.onenet.net
Wed Jan 9 16:17:45 CST 2019

Our school is looking at different anonymous reporting apps. Pros and Cons?  I feel like it's great for kids to have a way to report issues such as bullying, suicidal thoughts, drug activity, weapons, etc.  However, most of these require the school to monitor the reports 24/7 and respond to them.  And being completely anonymous, we have no idea who is making the reports and if it's credible.  Liability issues….  For example, if someone reports suicidal thoughts, then are we liable if they follow through, because we knew. But our responses would be limited because of the anonymous factor.  Is anyone using these apps and what are your thoughts about them?  One app we were looking at is called Stop It Solutions.
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