[Counselors] The Kwek Society looking for partner schools

OSRHEStudent Prep PK-12 Counselor Discussion Board counselors at lists.onenet.net
Tue Jan 29 12:06:12 CST 2019

The Kwek Society is a nonprofit started by one of our Citizen Potawatomi legislators, Eva Marie Carney. To address the need for increased access to menstrual hygiene materials for Native American girls and women, she founded the The Kwek Society. In particular, the organization works to combat the issue of Native American students missing school because of a lack of access to menstrual supplies. Here<https://www.potawatomi.org/nonprofit-helps-relieve-economic-stress-of-menstrual-hygiene-across-indian-country/> is an article written by our tribal newspaper that goes into more detail. EdWeek had an article about this issue today as well: http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/rulesforengagement/2019/01/give_students_free_tampons_pads_advocates_say_heres_why_some_schools_already_do.html?cmp=eml-enl-eu-news2&M=58734142&U=1717944&UUID=95d75f734de3a596436a0f3baedee707.
The Kwek Society are always looking for partner schools with majority Native American populations or strong Indian education programs to receive supply donations. In addition, drives for pads, bras and girls’ underwear (tampons aren't in that much demand) are so welcome. Drives educate and draw attention to the need. A drive that takes place in relative proximity to a school in need is ideal so that the donations can be driven to the school -- no mailing costs and community building takes place.  The problem for the very rural schools is that they don't have relatively proximate well-off folks to run drives for them.  So having, say, an urban drive organized and targeted to a school in another area, would be fantastic.  In the grand scheme of things, mailing costs of product are relatively minor, compared to buying the products, and TKS would reimburse the organizer for those costs (unless she insisted on donating the cost).
Pleasant Grove Public School
Mascot: Warriors
Shawnee, OK 74801
This is the first school we are supporting in Oklahoma. For news coverage of our efforts, visit:.http://www.news9.com/story/39746919/nationwide-nonprofit-makes-first-major-donation-in-oklahoma?fbclid=IwAR3IOoJSrYT5aUKX9dmv2uVVSYTY5dS2SSW5YsWpk702JpBdwXInkLfFVpU<http://www.news9.com/story/39746919/nationwide-nonprofit-makes-first-major-donation-in-oklahoma?fbclid=IwAR3IOoJSrYT5aUKX9dmv2uVVSYTY5dS2SSW5YsWpk702JpBdwXInkLfFVpU>
Shout out! Nurse Rhiannon Webb is the go-to guide for these students. Watch a video of her speaking about her students’ needs and our support: https://bit.ly/2seYyhK (video and transcript)<https://bit.ly/2seYyhK>
This is a wonderful initiative that we are trying to support and promote. Thanks!
Address: 1601 S. Gordon Cooper Drive ​| Shawnee, OK 74801
Office: 405-275-3121 x1431  ​| Cell: 405-650-0524  ​|  Email: tesia.zientek at potawatomi.org<mailto:tesia.zientek at potawatomi.org>

[EduSig (002)]

To apply for a new CPN Tribal Scholarship, click here!<portal.potawatomi.org>

 Congratulations to Pleasant Grove Public School, Shawnee, to be the first school in Oklahoma.  Please be a partner school!

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