[Counselors] Question regarding date of graduation on transcript/diploma

OSRHEStudent Prep PK-12 Counselor Discussion Board counselors at lists.onenet.net
Fri Jun 12 07:58:53 CDT 2020

Good morning,
I hope that you and all of your family are doing well and that you are finding time to take care of YOU! 😊

I have a question that I would appreciate you taking time to answer.
Please reply to me, lnelson at osrhe.edu<mailto:lnelson at osrhe.edu> by just sending #1 and if you answer #2, please explain why.

For the 2019-20 school year, how many of you:

  1.  Put your last day of school as the graduation date on the transcript and diploma? (this year it would have been between May 8-15)
  2.  Plan to put a graduation date in June or July on the transcript and diploma?  Please explain why you do that.

If you plan to do this, they are NOT considered a High School graduate by the colleges because the summer semester begins in June and they are not able to take summer college courses. Also, OKPromise students’ transcripts need to be turned in as soon as school is over to be processed.

It is local policy, I just want to know your reason behind your decision.
The following is from the Standards for Accreditation of Oklahoma Schools:  https://sde.ok.gov/sites/default/files/documents/files/17-18-ACCREDITATION-STANDARDS-0219.pdf  on page 31

8), The local board shall transact official business with professional staff members and other school employees only through the superintendent. The board shall adopt procedures which permit hearing viewpoints of the staff, students, and community during board meetings. (a) All school equipment, books, and supplies purchased with federal funds shall be labeled or designated when delivered to the school. This labeling shall include the title of the Act and the year purchased. (b) Lack of harmony in the teaching staff, board, or community, when such conditions affect the quality and effectiveness of instruction and climate of the school, shall be considered sufficient cause for not accrediting a school. Political and special interest groups or individuals shall not interfere in the operation of the schools. (c) The local board of education shall adopt policies and procedures pertaining to admission, placement, promotion, retention, and graduation requirements for students which shall be disseminated to students and parents/guardians. (d) For any instances in which the school charges tuition, as provided by law, the school shall have a policy, approved by the local board, regarding procedures to be used in the refunding of tuition if the student withdraws from the school.

Thank you for your time.

Take care! Try and enjoy your summer! 😊

Lisa Nelson
Director of Student Preparation
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
lnelson at osrhe.edu<mailto:lnelson at osrhe.edu>
Office:  405.225.9257
Cell: 580.614.1328

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” ~ John Dewey

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