[Counselors] voc rehab

OSRHEStudent Prep PK-12 Counselor Discussion Board counselors at lists.onenet.net
Tue Oct 12 09:02:09 CDT 2021

Yes, Voc is Vocational. If a student is on an IEP or has health issues (ex: severe asthma or allergies) or a physical disability, they may qualify for Vocational Rehab.  The amount of money they get depends on the availability of funds and the nature of need.

My son has severe scoliosis.  We have a fabulous voc rehab contact. There is an initial interview and a determination as to the level of disability. He was able to receive $$ to help pay for his college this year. It's worth pursuing.  Call me if you have any questions. Krista Smith, ksmith at blackwell.k12.ok.us<mailto:ksmith at blackwell.k12.ok.us>

It is Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services (OKDRS), when IEPs are written, starting when a student turns 16, the IEP teacher does a referral for the student to OKDRS. When the referral is sent in, OKDRS will then in turn get in touch with the student/parents and do an interview. Depending on how severe the disability is, will determine how long the wait will be for them to start receiving services. The last school I was teaching in had a Work Study Program for students and they would work on campus and then would get paid. They would work with custodians, in the cafeteria, or with a classroom teacher, depending on the best fit for them.

On Tue, Oct 12, 2021 at 8:44 AM OSRHEStudent Prep PK-12 Counselor Discussion Board <counselors at lists.onenet.net<mailto:counselors at lists.onenet.net>> wrote:
What can you tell me about voc rehab as it relates to financial aid? I have a parent asking about it because her sister used it to help pay for college. I have no idea what she's talking about. Does voc= vocational?
Thank you!
Hope McGuire
K-12 School Counselor
Laverne Public Schools
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