[Counselors] Retaking Courses - Shares

OSRHEStudent Prep PK-12 Counselor Discussion Board counselors at lists.onenet.net
Tue Jul 26 14:42:00 CDT 2022

I was wondering if anyone has a policy they would be willing to share for students who retake courses they have failed. Such as do you give them the grade they made the 2nd time or a P? Thanks!

The grade they made.  Both grades stay on the transcript. P's for Oklahoma Promise and for NCAA will be counted as a D.

We give the new grade but keep the old grade on the transcript for no credit so the new grade is calculated in GPA.

In Moore, we keep the original grade on the transcript, but we change the credit type to elective. Then, we transcript the recovered grade with the correct credit type.

In my current school, and previous school, we give students the grade they make.

Our district puts both grades achieved on transcripts with OL reflected if it is made up online.

I have been told that you can't change grades on transcripts and that all classes taken must be transcripted.  So, if a student retakes a class, both classes and grades would be on transcript. Unless an 8th grader takes a class for high school credit...they have the option whether they want to count it on high school transcript or not at the end of that 8th grade year.

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