[Defaultprevention] Rehabilitation Letter template for DPST

Sparks, Wayne wsparks at ocap.org
Mon Aug 6 14:56:46 CDT 2012

Borrowers who rehabilitate their defaulted loans before the end of the cohort year are removed from the numerator in your school's cohort calculation. I have attached a Word document with suggested rehabilitation letter text that is ready to be loaded into the Default Prevention School Tool (DPST). Also attached are instructions on how to load the letter text into DPST and how to generate the letter in a batch for sending to defaulted students in your cohort portfolio.
Should you have any questions regarding this process or how rehabilitation may affect your cohort default rate, please contact Wayne Sparks or Chris Grillo.

Wayne Sparks, Default Prevention Manager
Email: wsparks at ocap.org<mailto:wsparks at ocap.org>
Phone: 405.234.4358

Chris Grillo, Data Analyst
Email: cgrillo at ocap.org<mailto:cgrillo at ocap.org>
Phone: 405.234.4255

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