[Defaultprevention] Register for the OCAP Annual Conference!

Stelter, Erin estelter at ocap.org
Tue Sep 4 08:30:41 CDT 2012

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Registration is now open<https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2012OCAPConferenceRegistration> is now open for 10.11.12-Counting on a Bright Future, OCAP's Annual Conference.

[cid:image003.png at 01CD8A74.F11706F0]The conference will feature Greg Darnieder, Senior Advisor to the Secretary on the College Access Initiative, U.S. Department of Education, as our luncheon keynote speaker. He will speak about the college access efforts made on the national level and how they complement Oklahoma's efforts.

We're bringing together external experts from across Oklahoma to provide informative sessions that support your work to help students succeed. Whether you're a high school counselor, a GEAR UP Site Advisor, a college recruiter, a financial aid officer, or a financial literacy educator, we're planning multiple sessions with you in mind! Our topics include:

*         Helping homeless and unaccompanied youth in the financial aid office

*         Using university and community resources with financial education to recruit urban students

*         Talking with high school students about money management

*         Oklahoma's Complete College America initiative

*         Working with students in the foster care system

*         Default prevention best practices from financial aid experts

*         Oklahoma's Promise for financial aid officers and high school counselors

*         Financial literacy for at-risk families

*         Helping tribal students identify and take advantage of their resources (panel approach)

*         Tips for constructing a default management plan

*         And more!

Space is limited, so register today<https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2012OCAPConferenceRegistration> to reserve your spot. Visit our website<http://www.ocap.org/Partners/conference.shtml> for more information about the conference and other related college access and financial literacy events to be held during that week.

Note: The information, links, articles, and comments exchanged on this listserv are provided by a wide variety of participants and sources representing many different points of view. Information shared by members through the listserv is meant to spur discussion and promote awareness of topics of interest; it is not meant to promote any particular viewpoint and does not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the Oklahoma College Assistance Program or Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.

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