[Defaultprevention] OCAP Launches Expanded Student Loan Management Initiative, Ready Set Repay!

Heid, Mary mheid at ocap.org
Fri Mar 1 09:12:23 CST 2013

OCAP Launches Expanded Student Loan Management Initiative, Ready Set Repay

The Oklahoma College Assistance Program (OCAP), an operating division of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, is pleased to announce the launch of Ready Set Repay, an initiative to further empower student loan borrowers to make smart borrowing decisions and successfully navigate student loan repayment. While OCAP's default prevention team has long offered excellent services for borrowers and the financial aid community, Ready Set Repay includes enhanced features and tools for students and schools, including new resources to help Oklahoma's higher education institutions maximize the effectiveness of debt education and default prevention efforts.

The centerpiece of this initiative is OCAP's new student loan management website, ReadySetRepay.org<http://www.readysetrepay.org/>. Watch this brief video for a peek at the new site.

[Description: RSR Video]<http://www.ocap.org/OCAP_Video.shtml>

The new website's structure allows borrowers to easily find tools and information based on where they are in the student loan process. Whether they're in school, in their grace period, repaying their loans, behind on payments or in loan default, these easy-to-navigate channels drive users to the content they need. We've also created a section just for our campus partners, which offers OCAP's wide selection of publications, instructional materials and operational resources to meet your workflow needs and help strengthen your services for student borrowers.

Of course, OCAP's default prevention team is still here to educate borrowers about managing student loan debt and the many repayment options available to them. Our specialists can be reached Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 800.358.5460 (toll free) or WeCanHelp at ocap.org<mailto:WeCanHelp at ocap.org>.

Remember that OCAP's training team is here for you, too. We can provide customized professional development workshops and regulatory and operational financial aid training based on your institution's needs. Visit our Training & Professional Resources<http://www.readysetrepay.org/Partners/training.html> page to learn more about these services.

Ready Set Repay products and services are available at no charge to Oklahoma campuses. Our publications, tools, consultations and other resources are designed to support your efforts to ensure borrowers understand their loan obligations and how to successfully manage the repayment process. To see for yourself, visit the Products & Services<http://www.readysetrepay.org/Partners/products_services.html> page at ReadySetRepay.org<http://www.readysetrepay.org/>.
We hope you're as excited about Ready Set Repay as we are. This initiative was built with you in mind; we want to continue helping you keep Oklahoma's borrowers on track for student loan success!

Mary Heid
Director for Default Prevention, Compliance & Training Services
Oklahoma College Assistance Program (OCAP)
P.O. Box 3000 | Oklahoma City, OK 73101-3000
mheid at ocap.org<mailto:mheid at ocap.org> | www.OCAP.org<http://www.ocap.org>
http://www.facebook.com/RepaymentScoop [cid:0F60BDCA488F7D44BB737951184A4E23 at osrhe.edu]

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