[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Feb. 9

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Feb 8 10:12:21 CST 2006

Hi Everyone,

Well, I really do think I spoke too soon in saying winter was over.  
Some of the upcoming nighttime temperatures predictions I've been seeing 
on the weather reports are not even old enough to drive.  

If you missed the Eastern Idol competition last night you missed a good 
show.  Even the judges were entertaining.  I have to admit it was the 
first time I'd seen Ruth Brelsford's claws come out, but she mellowed 
back out before it was over.   Dougo immediately let it be known that 
all the female acts would be going on to the next round.  That boy's not 
dumb, huh?  And I think Ashley, the basketball player, was going to sign 
up for Aggie Club.  You still have a chance to see this entertaining 
event on Thursday evening, when  it all comes down to the finals.  The 
winner will be determined by the judges and whose jar collects the most 
money for the Kibois Women's Shelter.

We have an old fashioned country menu for you today:

       Pork roast
       Mashed potatoes and gravy
       Pinto beans
       Steamed cabbage
       Turnip greens
       Baked potato bar

Our fast food is:   PIZZA!!!

And for dessert we have Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Frosting, and Ice 
Cream with various toppings.  (It's funny how ice cream is good even 
when it's cold out, isn't it?)

Come and get it,

Rhoda    :-)

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