From rwatkins at Mon Jan 9 10:07:18 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Mon Jan 9 09:59:12 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Jan. 9, 2006 Message-ID: <> Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a great break and are fired up and ready to go at it again! I think we all need to take a minute to pray for rain, do a rain dance or whatever might work toward getting us some moisture down here. These fires in the state are getting way out of hand and way too close to home if you ask me. I was watching the New Year's Day parade on TV taking place in California, getting rained on, and they were saying that's what they got for always making people jealous of their good weather. Little did they know, we're jealous of their bad weather too, we could desperately use some of that liquid sunshine around these parts. Also, be sure and find a Girl Scout and order some Girl Scout cookies if you want to get any this year. They are only on sale until the 17th, so if you don't get them now, you'll be waiting a whole year to get some of those Thin Mints, Caramel Delights, etc. This is the last year for the Lemon Pastry Creams so anyone who likes those needs to really stock up. We have a really good menu to start off this semester with: Fried chicken Mashed potatoes and gravy Corn Green peas Baby carrots Baked potato bar Pasta bar Our fast foods include: Enchiladas Refried beans Spanish rice Tortilla chips and salsa And for dessert we have Brownies, Banana pudding or Blackberry cobbler. Come on over and enjoy some of this. We're looking forward to seeing you all again. Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From afair at Mon Jan 9 10:46:24 2006 From: afair at (Amy Fair) Date: Mon Jan 9 10:37:57 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Intramural Basketball Message-ID: <> If you are interested in playing intramural basketball, please attend the Intramural Basketball Meeting this Wednesday, January 11th, 6:00 pm in the gym. Please have an idea of who your team members are and the name of your team. Teams can consist of 8 players. If you have any questions please call Quinn Wooldridge at ext. 706 or Amy Fair at ext. 824. Thanks, Amy From afair at Mon Jan 9 10:48:54 2006 From: afair at (Amy Fair) Date: Mon Jan 9 10:40:25 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Free Lunch Message-ID: <> The Student Services Office is hosting the annual Chili Bowl this Wednesday, January 11th in the Cafeteria from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. Come enjoy a FREE lunch. From afair at Mon Jan 9 10:53:39 2006 From: afair at (Amy Fair) Date: Mon Jan 9 10:45:14 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Welcome Back Dance Message-ID: <> Students: Welcome back! Hope everyone had a great break. The Student Services Office is hosting a Welcome Back Dance this Wednesday, January 11th from 9 - 12 in Boonies. Free Admission. Please bring student i.d. See you there! Amy, Liz, Kyle, Marcus From rwatkins at Tue Jan 10 09:44:17 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Tue Jan 10 09:35:58 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Jan. 10 Message-ID: <> Hi folks, Man, you guys really did it! When I said yesterday that you all needed to say a prayer, do a rain dance or whatever to get us some rain, somebody listened! I could hardly believe it last night when I started thunder and those huge rain drops falling down. Awesome! Do it again! I can't believe it's the 10th already. I hope you haven't broken too many of your New Year's resolutions yet. I figured I'd avoid that by just not making any. Today in the Cafeteria we're having: Baked chicken Mashed potatoes and gravy Corn on the cob Green beans Macaroni and cheese Hot rolls Baked potato bar Our fast food today: BBQ sandwich Chips Baked beans And for dessert we have German Chocolate Cake. Come and get it, Rhoda :-P ;-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Wed Jan 11 10:00:52 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Wed Jan 11 09:51:54 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Jan. 11 FREE LUNCH: CHILI BOWL DAY Message-ID: <> Hi everybody, Well, the good news for today is we're having a free lunch for all students and employees of Eastern sponsored by the Student Services Office. It's Chili Bowl day here in the Cafeteria. We'll be having chili, with and without beans, and lots of fixings to go with it, and plenty of fruit cobbler and ice cream for dessert. A nice hot bowl of chili ought to go good on a chilly day like this, (especially if it's free!) And if you see Lucy Kidd, the Johnston Hall custodian, be sure and wish her a Happy Birthday. That'll make her day. Come on over and have a free lunch. How often does that happen? Rhoda ;-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From aralls at Wed Jan 11 13:12:36 2006 From: aralls at (Alanna Ralls) Date: Wed Jan 11 13:05:15 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Southeastern Oklahoma State University Message-ID: <> Southeastern Oklahoma State University will be on campus Thursday, January 12 at 1:00 in the Student Union Building in front of the East Cafeteria. This will be a great opportunity for you to discuss questions about transferring to SOSU. If you have any questions, please call me at 918-465-1752 or come by my office Library Room 110. Hope to see you there. Alanna Ralls Transfer Enrollment Manager From rwatkins at Thu Jan 12 09:30:07 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Thu Jan 12 09:34:06 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Jan. 12 Message-ID: <> Hi folks, Boy, I hope none of you blew away last night. It was really windy! But these temperatures are really springlike. We'll be having flowers blooming before too long if this keeps up, and then along will come our really cold weather finally and nip them all in the bud. I hope you all made it over and got in on the free chili and fixings at lunch yesterday. I love a good Frito pie on a cold day. We have a really good menu for you today. Roast beef Mashed potatoes and gravy Green beans Corn Carrots Baked potato bar Rolls Our fast food is: Chili and cheese coney Fries And for dessert, a little taste of summer in advance: Blackberry cobbler. (With ice cream on top...yummy!) Have a great day, Rhoda 8-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Fri Jan 13 09:40:44 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Fri Jan 13 09:31:44 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Friday Jan. 13th Message-ID: <> Hi folks, Happy Friday the 13th! I hope you don't believe all that bad luck stuff about Friday the 13th. Any Friday is good in my book! That's like everyone saying if you find a penny and it's heads up it's good luck, but heads down is not. I figure, anytime I find money, it's a good thing. Besides we had some more rain last night, which we needed, and that's pretty good luck, (even if it was partially in frozen pellets of hail). Just keep out of it and you won't get knots knocked on your head, and don't get out in the lightning either, or you'll have worse than knots on your head! We have a good menu cooked up for you for today. Meatloaf Mashed potatoes and gravy Oriental blend vegetables Baked potato bar Sauerkraut and weiners Hot rolls For fast food we have Pizza once again, (it's been a while hasn't it?) And for dessert we have Fresh Apple Cake and Rice Krispy Treats. Come on over, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Tue Jan 17 10:10:44 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Tue Jan 17 09:59:56 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Jan. 17 Message-ID: <> Hi everyone, I hope you had a nice day away from work and classes yesterday. My husband and daughter had to go to work and school and I didn't, so it was a pretty rare treat for me, and over way too soon. If anyone is looking for a lost sweat jacket and/or a pair of athletic shoes, someone left some in the Cafeteria. I couldn't spot any ID on either of the items, so the person will just have to identify them when they get here. Also, this is the last week this year that Girl Scout Cookies will be for sale, so if you want to get any, you can contact Patricia Rector, Sharon Sullivan or myself to place an order and help this wonderful organization. (There may be more people on campus who are selling Girl Scout Cookies, if so I apologize for not mentioning them. These are the only ones I know of first hand.) Our menu for today includes: Lemon pepper chicken Steamed red potatoes Corn Peas Steamed carrots Baked potato bar Rolls Our fast food is: Corn dogs French fries And for dessert we have Strawberry Cake and Rocky Road Pudding (as long as it lasts). Come on over, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Wed Jan 18 10:19:06 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Wed Jan 18 10:08:03 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Jan. 18 Message-ID: <> Hi folks, Well, according to the weather report we have some more warm and windy weather coming our way. With the state under a burn ban, we all need to be extra cautious about any form of fire or sparks, or even just extreme heat around combustible materials. One man was saying on the news the other evening that when it gets this dry, even the dirt will burn, due to the organic matter contained in it. Our menu for today includes: Pork roast Mashed potatoes and gravy Pinto beans Turnip greens Corn Fried squash Pasta bar Baked potato bar Our fast food is Chili cheese fries. And for dessert we have Pineapple Upside Down Cake and Blueberry Cobbler. (I've heard very good health reports on blueberries, better try some of this.) Rhoda -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Thu Jan 19 10:18:09 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Thu Jan 19 10:07:56 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Jan. 19 Message-ID: <> Hi folks, I hope none of you have blown away yet. I've been thinking with the wind the way it's been that we might just blow off the hill we live on, but I guess I'm heavy enough not to have to worry about that. We have a great menu for you today: Italian bake (new recipe and really good) Mashed potatoes and gravy Zucchini and tomatoes Corn Baby carrots Baked potato bar Macaroni and cheese with little smokies Our fast food is: Mr. Rib Baked beans And for dessert we have Brownies. Come on over, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Fri Jan 20 09:57:13 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Fri Jan 20 09:45:43 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for FRIDAY Jan. 20 Message-ID: <> Hi everybody, Just wanted to remind you all to be sure and visit The Gallery today on Main Street across from Adelita's between 1:00 and 6:00 pm. This is their grand opening and there will be door prizes and refreshments to enjoy as you wander around and look at the beautiful paintings and other art work on display, all done by local artists. You might even win a $50 discount on the painting of your choice. From what I hear, they are even planning to schedule some classes for folks to sign up for in the future, so if you're interested in taking some art classes, be sure and get in there and talk to them about it. I got to go through it the other day, and the artwork on display is lovely. I am in awe of anyone who can pick up a brush and paint and put a piece of the world on canvas like that. I would be hard put to paint anything even remotely identifiable. We have a great menu for today, especially if you like Italian. Lasagna Crispy cubed potatoes Breaded okra Corn Winter blend vegetables Baked potato bar Rolls Our fast food today is PIZZA. And for dessert we have a yummy Chocolate chip cookie bar. Come in and fill up, but don't forget to take Loma's advice and exercise so you don't wind up wearing it long term. Get out and enjoy this nice weather. Rhoda ;-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From aralls at Tue Jan 24 09:01:42 2006 From: aralls at (Alanna Ralls) Date: Tue Jan 24 08:59:27 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Transfer Day Message-ID: <> Tomorrow Wednesday, January 25 is Transfer Day from 11-1 in the East Cafeteria representatives from ECU,SEOSU, NSU, OSU, OU, RSU, and Bacone will be there. There will be refreshments, music, and door prizes will also be given away to students that attend. Hope to see you there. Alanna Ralls Transfer Enrollment Manager (918) 465-1752 Library Room 110 From rwatkins at Tue Jan 24 09:34:48 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Tue Jan 24 09:22:07 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Jan. 24 Message-ID: <> Hi folks, Sorry I missed getting a menu out yesterday, but my daughter and I were both not feeling up to par and decided to go back home and recuperate together. How about that rain we got? That's what we've been needing for a while now. My ducks and goose were having a ball out splashing around in it, but the chickens looked miserable. Oh well, they've had it all their way for too long. I hope a lot of you made it to The Gallery grand opening on Friday. I got to go to it and was lucky enough to win a door prize, a beautiful print of a painting by Jackie Nowlin, whose husband, Zane, was a counselor here at Eastern years ago. I also went to school with their son, and our daughters are best friends, so it was really special to have something by her to keep. If you haven't been in there, you need to go down and check it out. It's really worth your time. Also, we still have a sweat jacket here that was lost last week and now a soccer ball, too. I'm going to take these to Preston's office so if anyone is looking for them, they can claim them there. Our menu for today includes: Chicken pot pie Mashed potatoes and gravy Winter blend vegetables Corn Green beans Pasta bar Baked potato bar Rolls Our fast food is: Hamburgers French fries And for dessert we have Orange Coconut Cake and Peach Cobbler. Come on over, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Wed Jan 25 10:05:09 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Wed Jan 25 09:52:11 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Jan. 25 Message-ID: <> Hi everyone, I hope you're all having a good week so far. Try to take care of yourselves and not come down with all the bugs that are going around. They're no fun. Don't forget the mammogram van will be here the next couple of days for those of you who have appointments. We have a great menu planned for you today. Unforgettable chicken Scalloped potatoes Baked beans Fried squash Corn on the cob Baked potato bar Pasta bar Our fast food is PIZZA!!! And for dessert we have Earthquake Cake and Cherry Cobbler. Come and get it, Rhoda :-D -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hscott at Wed Jan 25 17:48:03 2006 From: hscott at (Helen Scott) Date: Wed Jan 25 17:34:59 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Financial Aid Message-ID: <> Financial aid information is being processed for the Spring, 2006 semester. We anticipate the first checks, which are primarily Pell Grants and Scholarships, will be available approximately February 15. Student loans, OTAG, BIA and other forms of financial aid will follow later and will be processed on a weekly basis as these funds are received by Eastern. Announcements and any updates will be made on the EOSC website ( and by email. Nancy Tackett Comptroller -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: hscott.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 253 bytes Desc: Card for Helen Scott Url : From rwatkins at Thu Jan 26 09:23:33 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Thu Jan 26 09:10:16 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Jan. 26 Message-ID: <> Hi folks, I got my routine broken up a little bit yesterday by getting to cashier at lunch. Usually Irene Coy does this, but she was really under the weather yesterday, so I got recruited. It was good to be out there seeing everyone that comes in for lunch. Sometimes when I'm out there, a student will forget something of theirs in the Cafeteria when they leave and I send out an email, and later take it to Preston's office. Yesterday I was about ready to bet that the next stray item I would find would be one young man's pants, they were sagging down so low! I bet most of you can relate when I say that back when I was in school I would've been totally embarrassed if I had lost my pants in public! You would never want to show your face again! And wearing pants with holes meant you couldn't afford new ones. Talk about a different mind set! I guess that means I'm old, huh? I keep telling my 12 yr. old daughter that I'm so old that when I was a kid, candy was sweet. Now some of it is so sour, it's like a punishment! Ah, the good old days... There will be a PAWS (Partners for Animal Welfare Society) meeting this evening at 7:00 at the Wilburton Public Library on West Ada just up from Zip Trip if anyone is interested. We love to have new people show up. Our menu for today includes: Fried catfish Mashed potatoes and gravy Macaroni and cheese Mixed vegetables Brussels sprouts Seasoned red potatoes Rice Baked potato bar Our fast food is: Chicken fried steak Chips And for dessert we have some yummy Lemon Filled Cake. See you at lunch, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Fri Jan 27 09:55:53 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Fri Jan 27 09:42:21 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Friday Jan. 27 Message-ID: <> Happy Friday Everybody, Well, we've made it through another work week and almost through January. Remember when we were all stirred up over Y2K and how the computers were all going to crash and destroy the world as we knew it? Now we're worried about much more low-tech stuff like hurricanes, droughts and our old Oklahoma favorite, tornadoes, (not to mention foreign and domestic terrorists, and the war.) So stop dwelling on these things or your food won't digest properly, okay? Just enjoy the nice weather and get out and enjoy the weekend. Come to think of it, enjoy the rain if we're lucky enough to get that. We've really been waiting on some of that. Our menu for today includes: Dorito bake Spanish rice Refried beans Mashed potatoes and gravy Corn Carrots Green beans Baked potato bar Our fast food is: Chili dogs Chips And for dessert we have some yummy Peanut Butter Pie. Come on over and get some, Rhoda ;-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From slovett at Fri Jan 27 12:48:12 2006 From: slovett at (Sue Lovett) Date: Fri Jan 27 12:34:46 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] SSS Newsletter Message-ID: <> The spring 06 newsletter for Student Support Services is available at the Eastern Web site. Just click on Student Services, the click Student Support Services. Scroll down till you see the link for the newsletter. Thank you, Sue Lovett, Director Student Support Services From mebutler at Mon Jan 30 08:38:52 2006 From: mebutler at (Mary Edith Butler) Date: Mon Jan 30 08:24:25 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Wear Red Day Message-ID: <> On this Friday, Feb. 3, Eastern will join others across the nation in Wear Red Day activities to raise awareness of heart disease. The Library Media Center staff is sponsoring the activities, and we are asking everyone to wear something red on Friday. We will have a table in the Student Center from 11 to 1 with free information on heart disease. We will also accept donations for the American Heart Association--the Tulsa branch, which serves our area, will receive the money. Anyone who donates $3 or more will have their name put in the drawing for several neat door prizes. If you donate $5 or more, you will be entered in the door prize drawings AND receive a "wear red" pin (If you have a pin from last year, feel free to wear it) . Novella and the cafeteria staff have planned a lunch that is particularly "heart healthy," featuring baked chicken, baked fish, steamed broccoli, beans, potatoes, salad, and angel food cake. Heart disease is the #1 killer of women over age 25! Sixty-five percent of the women who die suddenly of heart disease had no previous symptoms. We need to pay attention to this issue! You can find more facts at Thanks! M.E. Butler From mebutler at Mon Jan 30 10:01:56 2006 From: mebutler at (Mary Edith Butler) Date: Mon Jan 30 09:47:24 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] another info Message-ID: <> I didn't mention in my earlier "Wear Red Day" message that Eastern's nursing students will be at the table in the Student Union from 12 to 1:00 on Friday, Feb. 3, giving free blood pressure checks. Come by and take advantage of this good service. From rwatkins at Mon Jan 30 10:19:36 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Mon Jan 30 10:05:27 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Jan. 30 Message-ID: <> Hi folks, I hope you had a great weekend. I was really glad for us to get some more rain. Maybe our long dry spell is finally going to be over. Don't forget for those of you that are on the Staff Council, there's a meeting at 3:30 today at Dr. Bernard's house. Our menu for today includes: Chicken parmesan Pasta Mashed potatoes and gravy Corn Green peas Carrots White rice Baked potato bar Our fast food is: Enchiladas Spanish rice Nacho chips with picante sauce And for dessert we have Chocolate Cake with White Frosting. Come on over, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lmorgan at Mon Jan 30 16:06:28 2006 From: lmorgan at (Linda Morgan) Date: Mon Jan 30 16:09:28 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] You Could Be the First "EASTERN IDOL" Message-ID: <> YOU COULD BE THE FIRST ?EASTERN IDOL? Join in the fun as Eastern searches for its ?Eastern Idol.? We are looking for those who have singing ability and those who think they have singing ability! Here is your chance to showcase your talents! The contest will be held Tuesday, February 7, and Thursday, February 9, in Mitchell Hall auditorium at 7 p.m. All contestants will perform Tuesday evening before a panel of judges (Simon has nothing on this crew!). Finalists will perform Thursday for the title of ?Eastern Idol.? Tuesday evening will also provide an opportunity for students to display their talents as they enter the contest to ?Imitate Your Favorite American Idol." Contestants may imitate a true singing idol or an American idol favorite. A contestant must be a student at Eastern Oklahoma State College and pre-register by 5 p.m. on Monday, February 6. Entry forms may be picked up in the Dean?s office or from one of the PBL sponsors?Mrs. Linda Morgan (Mit 209), Mrs. Debbie Layton (Mit 115!), or Mrs. Estella Bennett-Mask (Mit 113A). There is no entry fee. The public is invited to attend both nights. Admission fee is $2 per night. Children under six are admitted free. Money raised will be used to purchase equipment for the KiBois Women?s Shelter, a home for battered and abused women and their children. The audience will play a key role in selecting the winner! On the final night, there will be jars available for audience members to "vote" for their favorite "idol" by placing money in the contestant's jar. The money collected for each contestant plus the judges? scores will determine the winner. For more information, contact a PBL advisor or Eastern Oklahoma State College Student Activities Director Amy Fair, 918.465.1824. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Tue Jan 31 09:22:08 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Tue Jan 31 09:07:28 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Jan. 31 Message-ID: <> Hi folks, I hope you're all doing well today. The weather promises to be very nice. I refuse to think like the weather guys and say this is bad weather because it's dry. Just don't play with matches and we'll be fine. I have to brag a little bit today. For anyone who is worried that they're getting old, this will put it in perspective for you. My Aunt Alma in Indiana is turning 104 today. No that is not a typo. She's in a wheelchair, but her mind is sharp and she's ready to go anytime she can line somebody up to push her! Just keep loving life. We went all over the world to make up this menu for you today: Smoked pork chops Stuffing Mashed potatoes and gravy Corn Green beans Oriental blend vegetables Baked potato bar Our fast food is: Hamburgers French Fries And for dessert we have German Chocolate Cake. Come to the Cafeteria. Where else can you get France, Germany and the Orient all in one place? Rhoda -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: