From rwatkins at Mon May 1 09:46:09 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Mon May 1 09:45:11 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. May 1, 2006 Message-ID: <> May Day! May Day! No, that's not a distress call, I'm just announcing that it is May now, it's a lovely day outside and graduation is coming up at the end of this week! Wow, time does fly doesn't it? I can hardly believe I've been working here a year now, or it will be a year on the 6th. I'd like to wish a happy belated birthday to Linda Sadler. I didn't find out that her birthday was coming up til late Friday when I was in the business office at just the right time to wish her a happy birthday and have a yummy piece of birthday cake with the gang over there. I hope you all took the opportunity to go and see the Wizard of Oz this past week. I got to go Saturday night and it was an excellent performance. The characters were acted out wonderfully. You could tell the actors were enjoying what they were doing. The only downer is thinking that this was Ruth Brelsford's last show as theatre director here at Eastern. She will still be around as a teacher, but her inspiration and enthusiasm will be sorely missed in the theatre. On the upside, though, my family and I went to a 4H End of the Year Banquet Friday night, and all five of the graduating seniors there were planning on attending Eastern this fall. They are some excellent kids and I was very pleased to hear that they would be coming here to continue their educations before going on to a four year college to finish up. Our menu for today includes: Smothered steak Steamed red potatoes Carrots Corn Broccoli and cheese sauce Rice Hot rolls Our fast food is hot Ham and Cheese on a bun with chips. And for dessert we have some yummy Chocolate Cake. Come on over, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Tue May 2 08:42:15 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Tue May 2 08:37:33 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. May 2 Message-ID: <> Hi everyone, Well, we're off to a stormy start this morning. Everything electrical even got temporarily knocked off this morning in case some of you weren't up yet and didn't notice. It got real dark in here real quick! Of course we had to go and look outside to check the weather and there were dark clouds everywhere and before too long it had started raining pretty good. I'm not going to complain about it though, (as long as I don't get struck by lightning!) I can't remember when the weather men haven't been saying we're way under our normal rainfall level for this area, so maybe we'll finally do some catching up. The ponds and lakes really need this little refresher. I'm getting this out a little early because I'm going to have to go home and take care of my sick daughter. She is feverish, achy and whiny, and probably needs to go to the doctor today. I hope this isn't some big, bad bug that's going around. Our menu for today includes: Chicken alfredo lasagna Steamed red potatoes Corn Sweet peas Carrots Baked potato bar Our fast food is Corn Dogs and French Fries. And for dessert come get a taste of some Strawberry Shortcake. Delicious! Take care, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From aralls at Tue May 2 09:44:46 2006 From: aralls at (Alanna Ralls) Date: Tue May 2 09:42:54 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] East Central University Representative Message-ID: <> This will be your last opportunity to speak with Dustin Smith about ECU until next Fall. He will be on campus Wednesday, May 3 from 10:00-? in the Library Building Room 110. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Alanna Ralls Transfer Enrollment Manager 918.465.1752 From rwatkins at Wed May 3 10:17:44 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Wed May 3 10:15:05 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. May 3 Message-ID: <> Hi folks, It is just Wednesday, isn't it? A few of us over here have been trying to rush the week I think. I'm sure there will be one big collective sigh of relief when all the last minute end of the year happenings are put behind us one more time. Classes will be over, tests will be finished, our graduating sophomores will be ready to go on with the next phase of their lives and the rest of our students and faculty will just be ready for a well deserved summer break. Life goes on here in the Cafeteria, though. It won't be long before we will be bustling with activity again as the summer camps start up and all the happy campers will come swarming in to be fed. And of course, we'll still have our DOC folks coming in throughout it all. We definitely stay busy here in the summertime. Our storytelling group went with Plan B last night and met at the home of Barbara and James Lott for an enjoyable evening of what else? Storytelling, laughing and one-upping each other with our recounted experiences. There were a few new faces there that I hope will be back to join us again, to take up the slack for some of the regulars who were not able to join us. Also, I've been meaning to mention that we have an Agronomy notebook here in the Cafeteria that I think belongs to Trent Liggin if anyone could let him know. He's probably been looking for it, but not in the right places, and probably needs to get it back before the end of the semester. Our menu for today includes: Pork loin Oven potatoes Pinto beans Turnip greens Corn Squash Rice Hot rolls Cornbread Our fast food today is Pizza. And for dessert we have Carrot Cake. Come on over, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From slovett at Wed May 3 10:33:40 2006 From: slovett at (Sue Lovett) Date: Wed May 3 10:30:58 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Scholarships Message-ID: <> For those of you that are interested, FastWeb has posted 3 scholarships that look pretty good. One is A Better Earth Essay Contest.. It has a deadline of May 31, 2006 and there are 7 awards available from $250 to $2000. You have to submit an essay of 2,500 words or less on the topic: How are economic development and environmental quality related? What institutional frameworks will allow individuals in the developing world to solve environmental problems and eradicate proverty? The second is iLiberty Essay Contest and this one also has a May 31, 2006 deadline. The awards are the same as above. This essay needs to be 2,500 words based on a video about tobacco regulation and smoking bans. The video can be found on the sponsor's web site: After viewing the video, the student will have to submit an essay address the following: Should government intervene in our lives to prevent us from making choices that might make us sick, injure us, or even kill us? How do we strike a balance between public health and individual liberty? The last one is for the FBI. The deadline varies and there will be 4 awards of $1000. The FBI Common Knowledge Challenge is available to current high school and college students. Its intent to to assist the student in understanding what it means to work for the FBI as an agency and as a career path. Participants will compile a quiz at the CKSF web site each week during the month of February. Quiz questions will come from information found on the FBI web site. Information for these scholarships can be found at You may have to do a new user sign in. Come by our offices and we will help. We also have the print outs from these scholarships posted on the bulletin board in the hall by the computer lab. Sue Lovett From rwatkins at Wed May 3 11:18:28 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Wed May 3 11:15:36 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] [Fwd: Menu for Wed. May 3] Message-ID: <> -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Menu for Wed. May 3 Date: Wed, 03 May 2006 10:17:44 -0500 From: Rhoda Watkins To:,,, Barbara Lott , Hi folks, It is just Wednesday, isn't it? A few of us over here have been trying to rush the week I think. I'm sure there will be one big collective sigh of relief when all the last minute end of the year happenings are put behind us one more time. Classes will be over, tests will be finished, our graduating sophomores will be ready to go on with the next phase of their lives and the rest of our students and faculty will just be ready for a well deserved summer break. Life goes on here in the Cafeteria, though. It won't be long before we will be bustling with activity again as the summer camps start up and all the happy campers will come swarming in to be fed. And of course, we'll still have our DOC folks coming in throughout it all. We definitely stay busy here in the summertime. Our storytelling group went with Plan B last night and met at the home of Barbara and James Lott for an enjoyable evening of what else? Storytelling, laughing and one-upping each other with our recounted experiences. There were a few new faces there that I hope will be back to join us again, to take up the slack for some of the regulars who were not able to join us. Also, I've been meaning to mention that we have an Agronomy notebook here in the Cafeteria that I think belongs to Trent Liggin if anyone could let him know. He's probably been looking for it, but not in the right places, and probably needs to get it back before the end of the semester. Our menu for today includes: Pork loin Oven potatoes Pinto beans Turnip greens Corn Squash Rice Hot rolls Cornbread Our fast food today is Pizza. And for dessert we have Carrot Cake. Come on over, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From eduncan at Thu May 4 08:43:51 2006 From: eduncan at (Elizabeth Duncan) Date: Thu May 4 08:39:28 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Freshman Orienttion 2006 Message-ID: <> If you are interested in helping with Freshman Orientation please come by the Dean's Office and sign up. We can't promise that we will need everyone's help, but come sign up just in case we do! If you have any questions feel free to contact me. Thanks, Elizabeth Duncan From rwatkins at Thu May 4 10:09:26 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Thu May 4 10:08:02 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. May 4 Message-ID: <> Hi everyone, Good news for all you serious coffee drinkers and cappuccino lovers! (Gwen, I'm talking to you!) We have a new assortment of fresh ground coffees upstairs in the Coffee Shop, (premium blend, Colombian blend, and house blend), along with French vanilla cappuccino and mocha cappuccino, hot cocoa, and to add a little pizzazz: hazelnut, almond, caramel and French vanilla syrups and French vanilla, hazelnut, cinnamon and Swiss chocolate creamers. Be sure and go up and check out the new stuff and let us know what you think about it, (if you can pry Debbie Boggess off the machine). I was down by our pond yesterday evening with my daughter watching a bat swoop after insects and we heard a pack or maybe two of coyotes across the highway. I hadn't heard any coyotes nearby in quite a while. It sure made me want to go and gather up all my ducks and chickens and Mrs. Goose and put them somewhere safe for the night. The only problem with that is, they don't really take to being "gathered up". It was a really nice evening though, with the fireflies flashing all around and the whippoorwills singing in the distance. It's amazing how much wildlife you can encounter in our "civilized" world. (We could do without those dratted mosquitos, ticks, and chiggers though, surely!) Our menu for today includes: Chicken with noodles Mashed potatoes and gravy Blackeye peas Corn Brussels sprouts Rice Baked potato bar Hot rolls Our fast food is Burgers and Fries. And for dessert we have yummy Brownies! Come see us and check out the new stuff in the Coffee Shop while you're over here, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Fri May 5 09:59:41 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Fri May 5 09:57:05 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Friday May 5 Message-ID: <> Happy Graduation Day, or for those of you not graduating Happy Cinco de Mayo, Or as some of us that have lived here for several years and know some of the history of the place have been discussing, Happy 46th Anniversary of probably the worst tornado to ever hit Wilburton (in 1960, just months before I made my big arrival in this world.) Let's hope for no repeats of that historical event! It's too bad we aren't going to have the graduation ceremony outside this evening. I've been noticing all the pretty new flowers that have been planted in the flower beds and even 2006 in white rock in one bed. Some of our maintenance guys have been doing quite a bit of work sprucing the place up getting ready for graduation and they're probably bummed out to feel that all their effort has been wasted, but it really looks good and is appreciated whether we have graduation outside or not. I think all the trees, flowers and other landscaping features really make our campus look attractive and welcoming. Keep up the good work, guys! There's a pretty good chance of rain tomorrow I think, but maybe it will hold off til after the city-wide rummage sale, and possibly a PAWS adoption day in front of Roy's. We really need to have one as there are so many sweet puppies and dogs out there that are looking for a home. Some of them act almost human at times! (Whether or not that's a good thing I'm not sure!) Our menu for today includes: Chicken Potato wedges Baked beans Okra Corn Hot rolls Our fast food is Chili Dogs with Chips. And for dessert we have Peanut Butter Cake. Have a great weekend, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Mon May 8 10:23:18 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Mon May 8 10:17:57 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. May 8 Big Deli Sandwiches! Message-ID: <> Hi everyone, I attended the graduation Friday night to cheer on Ali Martinez as she received her degree. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find her to congratulate her afterwards in that sea of caps and gowns. I did however, run into cousin Matt Wallis and his family and got to see his new 3 wk. old son, Fox. What a cutie! From where I sat I couldn't hear all the speech made by Mr. Williams, (there was a happy baby behind me keeping up a running commentary), but I did hear him saying something about having been a dishwasher in the Cafeteria here back when he attended Eastern. Just goes to show, you can start in the most unlikely of places and still become a success if you're determined and you try hard enough. So if anybody wants to sign on here in the Cafeteria, that's a pretty good advertisement, huh? Really, too, I wanted to see which of the students would be graduating to see which ones I'd be missing next fall. Some of them had such a list of achievements to their credit that I really didn't want to see them leave! I wish I had been able to get to know more of the kids while they were here, but there are several coming back next fall that I'll be glad to see again and new ones that will be coming in as Freshmen that we'll enjoy having. I've been telling everyone over here since I started this job that when I don't know something, it's because I'm new. I told them I'd be new for at least a year, at least until I'd been through everything once. I guess that means I'm not quite so new anymore since I've been here a full year now. I still don't feel like I know everything yet, though. There will always be more to learn. I stepped into this job after Donna Hiatt had had it for 25 years, so I know I don't know as much as she did about it, but I'll keep learning. Wish me luck! Our menu for today includes: Turkey pot roast Mashed potatoes and gravy Broccoli and cauliflower Breaded okra Glazed baby carrots Pasta bar (including the pasta with pesto that we have had good comments on) For our fast food we have 3 foot deli sandwich bread with a variety of meats, cheeses, vegetables and condiments to suit your taste. For dessert we are having Chocolate Sheath Cake and toppings. Come on over and try some, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Mon May 8 10:56:42 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Mon May 8 10:51:13 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu P. S. Ice cream and toppings for dessert Message-ID: <> It's me again, It has come to my attention that I left out a few yummy items on our menu today and need to correct a couple of others. (I told you I was still learning.) On our menu today we also have: Applebees chicken noodle soup Beef stew with peppercorns The breaded okra is actually breaded squash. (I suppose a last minute substitution had to be made.) And we're having Ice Cream with Toppings for one of our dessert selections. And Novella wanted me to mention that the sandwich bread is Rotella Vienna bread. That should have everything straightened out now. Come over and enjoy! Rhoda ;-) From rwatkins at Tue May 9 10:10:57 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Tue May 9 10:06:10 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. May 9 Message-ID: <> Hi everyone, Well, we lost a member of our family last night. Gypsy, one of our dogs had been having slight seizures on occasion for a while and yesterday while my daughter and I were gone to town for just a few minutes, she evidently had one she couldn't come out of. We buried her out by the pond since she always liked to jump in and go swimming to cool off. She rarely barked unless she really meant it and would always warn us about scorpions in the house, by staring at them and growling or if that didn't get our attention, barking at them til we came and killed them. She had a funny little howling song that she would do when we came home to let us know that she was happy to see us, and would jump and down with her front feet when she was excited. She definitely had her own personality. We got her from PAWS back in 2002 originally because my husband Gary's grandpa said he would like a good outside dog to keep an eye on his place. Then when we took her down there, he had decided his health wouldn't allow him to take care of her, so he decided not to take her. She was such a mellow sweetheart that we had gotten attached to her and she never had to go back to whatever kind of life she had before. She must've been forced to stay outside in storms and whatever weather, as she really was afraid when it stormed and would try to stick her head under the bed or stay right by one of us. At least in her last years, she knew she was loved and she will be missed. Our menu for today includes: Smoked pork chops Mashed potatoes and gravy Corn Green beans Frozen veggies Baked potato bar Pasta Our fast food is Soft Tacos. And for dessert we have Peach Cobbler with ice cream. Come on over, Rhoda -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Wed May 10 10:08:10 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Wed May 10 10:03:53 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. May 10 Message-ID: <> Hi everyone, I hope you all made it through the storms last night with no damage. It sure got wild there for a while! We sat at the house watching all the pretty colors go across the TV screen, showing little rotation circles in it all,and Gary stepped outside and said he could hear the sirens going off in town at one point. Our lights went out for a few seconds, but came back on. Our neighbors across the road and some further south got to spend a little bit longer in the dark. I don't know of any major damage that we had yet. Of course, it's still dark when I come to work so if it wasn't between the front door and the road, I probably wouldn't have seen it anyway. After all the storming was over, I went outside looking around and happened to shine my flashlight out across some bushes in back of the house. I could see two pairs of eyes shining back at me. It startled me there for a minute. They were not low to the ground like a rabbit or something small. Then I realized it was a couple of deer that had come out to graze on the freshly washed leaves and grass. Evidently, all the bad weather had given them an appetite! I hope finals week is going well for you all. Finals will be one part of college life that no one will miss, I bet! Our menu for today includes: Spaghetti with meat sauce Crispy cubed potatoes Garlic bread Corn Green beans Grilled squash Baked potato bar Our fast food is Indian Tacos. And for dessert have a delicious piece of Strawberry Cake. Come on over and have a bite, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Thu May 11 10:01:53 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Thu May 11 09:55:34 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. May 11 Message-ID: <> Hi folks, Well, finals week is rapidly winding down. I know there will be a huge collective sigh of relief heard all over the campus when finals are finally over and everyone can get on with their summer. Congratulations to our Lady Mountaineer Softball Team and Coach Mace and Coach Johnston. They have really had an amazing season! Keep up the good work! I'd like to thank everyone who expressed sympathy over the loss of our wonderful dog Gypsy earlier this week. I'm glad there are more animal lovers out there who understand how important animals can become to us. And to all those of you who don't yet understand, I just pray that someday you will come across that special animal who will get through to you, and teach you to love and appreciate animals. Our menu for today includes: Forgotten chicken Mashed potatoes and gravy Green beans Corn on the cob Okra Pasta bar Our fast food is Barbecue on a Bun and Chips. And for dessert we are having Peanut Butter Pie Squares. Come on over and see us, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Thu May 11 11:08:12 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Thu May 11 11:02:21 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] COFFEE SHOP SCHEDULE Message-ID: <> Hi folks, This is just to inform you all that the Coffee Shop will be closed on Friday May 12 and will not reopen until Tues. May 30, after Memorial Day. The Cafeteria will remain open during this time period. Thanks, Rhoda :-) From rwatkins at Fri May 12 10:03:18 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Fri May 12 09:58:43 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Friday May 12 Message-ID: <> Happy Friday everybody, Well, after today, all the finals should be out of the way, and everybody should be that much closer to getting on with their summer break. I'm sure the teachers will still have some finishing up to do, but the kids should be officially on summer break. We get to go see our oldest nephew, Jacob Chancellor from Buffalo Valley, graduate from high school this evening. Unfortunately he won't be coming to Eastern in the fall. He has signed up to go into the service, so when the rest of the kids are coming to college, he will be going into something very different. Too bad he won't be here, since he'd've been a prize on the baseball team, and he gets good grades too. (Not to mention he's good looking.) Don't forget, this Sunday is Mother's Day, so be sure and do something nice for your mother if you're fortunate enough to still have her with you. I wouldn't have believed how deeply a mother could feel for her child until I had one. (I always knew you could feel that deeply for your pets, of course.) Our menu for this Fantastic Friday includes: Spaghetti with meat sauce Garlic bread Mashed potatoes and gravy Green beans Our fast food is a Deli Variety with Chips. And for dessert we have Peanut Butter Pie Squares. Have a great weekend, and for those of you I won't see til this fall, have a great summer, Rhoda ;-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Mon May 15 10:00:48 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Mon May 15 09:55:22 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. May 15 Message-ID: <> Hi everyone, Boy, I haven't seen this many empty parking spots around here since last year! I don't have to park way over by the tree anymore! And we get to start summer hours too! I hope you all had a great Mother's Day Weekend. Ours was a busy one, with a graduation Friday night, and a birthday party and family dinner with Gary's bunch Sunday, not to mention visiting my mother. I always have trouble knowing what to get her. She's 89 and has so much stuff she's starting to give stuff away! And June 3rd she'll have a birthday, so I'll have to come up with another idea real soon. Our menu for today includes: Turkey and stuffing Mashed potatoes and gravy Rice Corn Sweet potatoes Frozen veggies Hot rolls Our fast food is Burgers and Fries. And for dessert we have Banana Pudding and Peach Cobbler and Blackberry Cobbler. Come on over and see us, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Tue May 16 09:55:28 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Tue May 16 09:50:28 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. May 16 Message-ID: <> Hi everyone, I guess the main thing on my mind today is that it is my daughter, Destiny's, 13th birthday! I can't believe she's that old already! Susie, from the Coffee Shop, and I are about in the same boat. Her daughter, Sydney, turns 12 today, too. Dougo announced their birthdays on the radio this morning and said that they accept all forms of currency, anything spendable. It's hard to believe that in just five short years she'll be considered grown. Of course she'll still be my baby, my one and only always. Our menu for today includes: Meatloaf Mashed potatoes and gravy Winter blend vegetables Blackeye peas Sauerkraut and weiners Rice Our fast food is Nachos and Cheese. And for dessert it's the berries! Blackberry Cobbler and Strawberry Cake. See you later, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Wed May 17 10:05:38 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Wed May 17 09:59:44 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. May 17 Message-ID: <> Hi folks, I hope you're all having a great day. It's supposed to get pretty warm before the day is over with, I hear. If you like the sun this would be a good day for you to get out in it. If you're like me however, you'll go find a shady spot til it cools off, then come out and do stuff. That's right, I can't take the heat and here I am in the kitchen! Well, my daughter had a pretty nice 13th birthday yesterday I guess. We all survived it anyway. Say a little prayer for us that we all survive her teenage years intact. It's scary out there in the world today. It seems like there's so much more bad stuff out there that is so much more available and easier to get into than there was when I was a kid. (Then again, maybe I just didn't know what all was out there when I was a kid. I was pretty naive about a lot of it, and didn't get exposed to nearly what I could've been exposed to, thankfully.) Our menu for today includes: Spaghetti Crispy cubed potatoes Okra Green beans Corn Sticky rice Enchiladas (smells really spicy) Spanish rice Refried beans Baked potatoes And for dessert we have a variety of things: Cinnamon rolls, Strawberry Cake, Rocky Road Cookies, and Orange Cake. Come on over, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Thu May 18 09:55:15 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Thu May 18 09:49:01 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. May 18 Message-ID: <> Hi everyone, I hope you're all enjoying the first week of summer hours. It's nice to have a little extra time to get stuff done or just to rest, isn't it? More time for mowing, spreading tick granules or just walking around checking out things we often miss outside, like a nest of new baby birds, little green blackberries that will become dark and tasty about next month and whatever flowers you can find blooming. One of my favorite things to do is to go down the hill to check on and feed the ducks and look for the beaver. I have only seen two of the ducks lately, so I'm hoping that means that the other female is on a nest somewhere. I actually got to see the beaver the other evening, swimming around close to where I was feeding the ducks. It didn't seem too disturbed by me. It didn't slap the water with it's big flat tail the way they will when they sense danger or get startled. Then I walked a little further back and looked toward a little area that looks like an island across the water and there was a big brown lump there that I first thought was a rock. Then I looked closer and noticed the shape. It was another beaver! We may have a whole family of busy beavers down there before the summer's over! How neat! If any of you are looking for a new puppy or grown dog to take into your family, PAWS is having an adoption day this Saturday in front of Roy's Grocery Store. Come on down and see all the puppies we've got that need to find good homes with loving families. I'm supposed to be off tomorrow, so I may find out what's for lunch tomorrow and send out another email later on today so you'll know what's coming up. Our menu for today includes: Pork chops Mashed potatoes and gravy Corn Green beans Macaroni & cheese Our fast food is Barbecue on a Bun, Baked Beans and Chips. And for dessert we have Ice Cream with Toppings and some yummy Orange Cake with fluffy frosting. Come on over and try some, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Mon May 22 09:55:05 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Mon May 22 09:47:50 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. May 22 Message-ID: <> Hi folks, I hope you all had a great weekend. I took Friday off which gave me a little bit longer to enjoy mine. It all went pretty well except for the close encounter I had with a snake mere feet from my front door. I noticed one of my cats staring intently at something on the ground just inside the rock border of the flower bed right in front of the house. My first thought was that it was about to pounce on some little unsuspecting mouse or something, so I went over to check it out and see what was so interesting. At first, all I saw was what looked a small area of gray fur, so I waved my hand at the cat, and it jumped like it had been shocked, spun in midair and was gone. I thought that it was overreacting pretty much from just being shooed away from a mouse. It did cause me to look a little closer though, and then I noticed that what I had taken in the fading light to be gray fur was actually gray scales, and it wasn't just a little patch either. Of course my husband wasn't at home at the time and he had taken most of the yard tools that would've done any good with him for a cemetery cleanup project, and had left the cell phone at the house, so I called his mother's cell and got no answer. I did leave a message that I had a project for him when he got home and that I hoped he was hurrying. Of course he didn't. I went inside and when I checked later, it looked like the snake had taken off somewhere, since I couldn't see it anywhere. Then my husband called and while I was talking to him I walked outside to look for the snake again and our little dogs ran out with me. Of course they found the snake! And I immediately started screaming at them to get back in the house. I certainly didn't want them getting snake bit, and on a weekend when it's hard to find a vet anywhere. I managed to throw a plastic cat litter pan over the snake and set something on top of that to hold it down. Of course, by the time Gary got home, the snake had managed to wriggle out from under all that and head for parts unknown, and I hope far away. I still don't know what kind it was. I couldn't get a good look at it's head, it didn't rattle at me, and I couldn't find my field guide anywhere. It might not have been the kind that will hurt you, but it very definitely was the kind that almost made me hurt myself! Our menu for today includes: Smoked pork chops Mashed potatoes and gravy Okra Rice Corn Mixed vegetables Baked potato bar And our fast food is: Chicken fajitas Refried beans Spanish rice And for dessert you can't beat a yummy piece of Chocolate Cake. See you at lunch, Rhoda 8-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Tue May 23 09:05:01 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Tue May 23 12:10:40 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. May 23 Message-ID: <> Hi folks, I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate our Lady Mountaineers softball team for a job really well done this year. I don't pretend to understand a whole lot about softball, but I can tell winning from losing and let me tell you, this is one group of real winners! Way to go girls and coaches! If you go outside be sure and put on some sunscreen, preferably with a bug repellent additive. Now that we've had some rain, the mosquitos are coming out with a vengeance! If only we could train them to eat the ticks, or vice versa. Our menu for today includes: Meatloaf Mashed potatoes and gravy Green beans Seasoned baby carrots Spinach Rolls Our fast food for today is Hot Ham and Cheese on a bun, with French Fries. And for dessert we have Cinnamon rolls and Ambrosia. And as always, we have a great salad bar with a variety of dressings, etc. to choose from. Come on over, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From cames at Tue May 23 14:14:48 2006 From: cames at (Chris Ames) Date: Tue May 23 18:09:01 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] DegreeWorks User Guide Attached Message-ID: <> Attached is the student user guide for DegreeWorks. You should have received your password at the begining of the semester at your email address. I am also re-sending the passwords now for all current students to your eosc email account. Chris Ames EOSC -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: DegreeWorks Web Audit - Student Guide.doc Type: application/msword Size: 585728 bytes Desc: not available Url : From rwatkins at Wed May 24 10:02:29 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Wed May 24 09:59:52 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. May 24 Message-ID: <> Hi everyone, I bet you're all looking forward to our upcoming long weekend, and since it is Memorial Day Weekend, don't forget to go to the Italian Festival at McAlester on Friday and Saturday. They always have good Italian food, lots of arts and crafts and rides for the kids. (For those of you that don't know, it is west of McAlester at the Expo Center.) I want to wish a happy birthday today to Drexel Browne, our pastry cook, who's taking her birthday off today and a happy anniversary to Peggy and Mitch Arteberry. Peggy works part-time in Brenda Steuer's office and is a wonderful person, with a great husband, and three beautiful children. I hope they all have a really special day. Our menu for today includes: Baked ham Scalloped potatoes Black eye peas Cornbread California blend vegetables Corn Rolls Our fast food is Fish on a bun and French Fries. And for dessert have a yummy Rice Krispy Treat or a piece of Apricot Crisp or Cherry Crisp. Have a great day, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Thu May 25 09:49:05 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Thu May 25 09:46:08 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. May 25 Message-ID: <> Hi folks, My daughter and I peeked in our bluebird house yesterday evening and we have little baby bluebirds about ready to leave the nest. I had been trying not to bother them too much so I wouldn't upset the parents, but they're so cute! We have always had good luck with our bluebird house, but our martin house has been vacant the whole time it's been up, and that's been several years. I don't know what we're doing wrong there. (Surely they can't tell that we didn't follow the assembly directions very well and had to go back at the end and stick the very top piece on with a well chewed piece of gum! All the rest of it went according to the directions.) We could use some mosquito eaters around the place, that's for sure! If anyone knows the secret, please let me in on it! Maybe they don't want to have to fly so far to town! Don't forget anyone who is interested in helping homeless dogs is invited to our monthly PAWS meeting this evening at 7:00 a the Public Library here in town. We always have a good time at our meetings. We all love dogs and most other animals so there's plenty to talk about. Our menu for today includes: Turkey breast Dressing Mashed potatoes and gravy Sweet potatoes Beans Cabbage Rice Pilaf Rolls Our fast food is Mr. Rib on a bun. And shake up your sweet tooth with a piece of Earthquake Cake! Come on over and cool off with us, Rhoda 8-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Fri May 26 08:41:28 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Fri May 26 08:38:10 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Friday May 26 Message-ID: <> Hi folks, Well, the Memorial Day weekend is upon us. Please be careful and watch out for people having too much fun as they celebrate the long weekend. Don't forget the Italian Festival is this weekend, and is worth the gas to go and experience. Our brunch menu for today includes: Scrambled eggs Bacon Cheeseburgers French fries Dessert Have a fun and safe weekend, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Tue May 30 09:47:43 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Tue May 30 09:48:48 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. May 30 Message-ID: <> Hi folks, Well, I had an enjoyable weekend and I hope you did too. It's amazing how quickly I can get used to living by my own schedule, not the one that work and the alarm clock dictates. Left on my own, I'd rather be up when it is cool and sleep during the heat of the day. I sure didn't want to get up this morning. It did help that it was cooler than I had expected. That rain yesterday evening helped out a lot. It helped out everything but our kittens, anyway. Our mother cat had been moving her kittens around in the house trying to find a spot where she thought they would be safe and out of the way, and we hadn't been able to find them after her last move. Then yesterday evening, after the big rain at our house, here she came through the bedroom window with a little, wet, chilly, bedraggled, pitiful looking kitten in her mouth! (We're usually pretty civilized and have window screens on our windows, but this one had somehow gotten bent and damaged and once the cats discovered they could climb on it and make it come loose enough to get in the house, that was that.) We grabbed up the flashlight and went out to find the rest of the kittens. Fortunately we could hear one of them complaining about being wet and cold, and when we found them they really looked sad! Once we took them in, dried them off and warmed them up a lot, and let them get some food in them, they acted a lot better. The only lasting bad side effect is that one of them seems unable to use it's back legs now. And of course it was one that my daughter was particularly attached to. At least, since they're still alive this morning, maybe there's hope that this will get better. Our menu for today includes: Turkey roast Mashed potatoes and gravy Green beans and new potatoes Sliced carrots Corn Our fast food is Soft Tacos with all the fixings. And for dessert try some Coconut Cake or some Cherry Cobbler. Have a great day, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rwatkins at Wed May 31 09:53:29 2006 From: rwatkins at (Rhoda Watkins) Date: Wed May 31 09:54:57 2006 Subject: [Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. May 31 Message-ID: <> Hi folks, I can hardly believe May is over already! And it's been raining and cooling things off nicely, too. We were in Roy's Grocery the other evening when it started storming and raining like crazy. You could hear it on the roof it was raining so hard, and then the electricity went off and we wandered in the semi-darkness for a little while. I think that must've been when those Ding-Dongs and a few other items that my husband likes to snack on "fell" into our basket. I know when we got home I was pulling things out of the sacks that I hadn't seen going in the basket but Gary didn't seem very surprised. I don't know how much it rained, but the big ditches in front of the store by the highway filled up in no time flat. I thought the beaver dam down the hill from our house would be overflowing when we came home, but evidently the brunt of the storm and most of the rain hit further north. Our little beavers and ducks are still wading in mud. It's been getting busier over here this week. Our Upward Bound kids are back and we have a fair sized group of D. O. C. folks, and a new batch of Language Co. kids. Then this weekend, we'll have Aggie Camp. Our busy summer is just getting started! Our menu for today includes: Pork loin with pork gravy Pinto beans Cornbread Baby whole carrots Corn on the cob Rolls Our fast food is Burgers and Oven fried potatoes. And for dessert we have some Luscious Lemon Cake. Come on over and try some, Rhoda :-) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: