[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Sept. 26

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Sep 26 10:42:04 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

Boy, it's looking like a lovely day outside, and I know yesterday was.  
I don't know what got into my husband, maybe it was the nice weather, 
but he got out after work and mowed and weedeated the front and back 
yards.  I even got out and pulled some weeds myself.  That's the best 
way to handle some of those pesky things, since if you don't pull up the 
roots too, they'll come right back the minute your back is turned.

We just got back from the cooking demonstration in the Blodgett trailer 
in front of the Student Union and were really impressed with the quality 
of the food that can be prepared in the combi oven that was being used.  
Be sure and get together with a group and go through the trailer today.  
Novella had them come down so we could see what kind of equipment is 
being used currently in order to make plans for what we will want to 
have in the new Student Life and Learning Center.  The chef prepared 
grilled cheese sandwiches without any butter, french fries, a sub 
sandwich, fish, chicken, and french toast sticks, all the oven without 
adding any oils or moisture of any kind and all of them were crisp on 
the outside and moist on the inside.  This is the way to go! 

Our menu for today includes:

            BBQ onion meatloaf
            Mashed potatoes and gravy
            Broccoli and cheese sauce
            Green beans
            Pasta bar
            Hot rolls

Our fast food is a Sandwich bar.

And for dessert we have Carrot Cake and Cherry Cobbler.

Come on over,

Rhoda   :-)

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