[Eoscstudents] Menu for Manic Mon. Feb. 5

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Feb 5 10:00:48 CST 2007

Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a great weekend.  A lot of thawing and melting took 
place, so instead of slogging through snow and slipping on ice this 
week, we're mired up in mud. Be careful either way.   Our duck and goose 
seem to like it no matter what; water, mud, snow, ice, whatever, they 
just like it wet, and can always manage to find a puddle that's not 
totally frozen to stand  in.  The other critters have a different 
opinion, especially the cats.  Myself, I can definitely do without a lot 
of mush to walk through.  It seems like no matter how I try to divert 
it, all the runoff water on our hill comes straight down our driveway 
and our front path.  

It's not supposed to be too cold today, way up close to 50 and tomorrow 
closer to 60, then taking another downturn, with possible rain? later in 
the week, so you'd better enjoy today and tomorrow if you have outside 
things to do. 

Much sympathy goes out to Eddie Woods and family over the loss of his 
mother this past week.  May God comfort them in this time of trial.

Our menu for today includes:

        Chicken marsala served over pasta
         Steamed red potatoes
         Sweet peas
         Seasoned baby carrots
         Baked potato bar
         Hot rolls

Our fast food is Meatball subs with Tator Puffs.

And for dessert try a piece of Banana Split Cake.

Have a great week,

Rhoda    :-)              
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