[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Dec. 1

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Dec 1 10:14:00 CST 2008

Hi folks,

Who'd've thought we'd start December with snow this morning?  (I guess 
that was to convince us of the fact that it actually is December 
already.)  I was all ready for work and then looked out the window to 
see white flakes falling and almost declared a snow day.  (After being 
on my own schedule all last week, somehow the novelty of getting up 
really early again wasn't as exciting as you might think it should be.  
I guess the fact that it wasn't sticking at all was the only thing that 
talked me out of it.)  

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving break.  Ours was pretty peaceful 
and uneventful until about yesterday.  You know how when someone is 
learning to drive, they tease them and tell everyone to stay off the 
sidewalks?   I figured out yesterday  that's  just for "city folks".  Us 
country people need to stay out of the ditches.  We investigated one 
yesterday when my daughter who just got her permit a week or so ago was 
driving to her friend 's house and didn't quite make the corner.  We 
were not hurt, she's just embarrassed, and there's a piece or two of the 
front bumper of my station wagon that flaps in the breeze when we're 
driving now, but we lived to tell about it.  A nice young couple stopped 
to check on us and then a boy my daughter knows from high school stopped 
and with them pushing, we were able to get the car out of the ditch.  I 
really hope I thanked them for their help, but you know how it is when 
something happens like that.  You can't really remember what you did or 
said afterwards.  Boy, life with teenagers, (especially teenage 
drivers), sure is interesting!

Our dish room guy, Charlie Langford, celebrated a birthday on Mon. Nov. 
24 and Barbara Gilbertson and I celebrated ours right on Thanksgiving 
day this year. 

Don't forget about the blood drive in the East Cafeteria today and 
tomorrow.  Come donate and save a life.  (With my daughter driving now, 
we need all the donations we can get, just in case!)

Our menu for today includes:
                Spaghetti and meatballs
                Baked potatoes
                Green beans
                Garlic bread
                Hot ham and cheese on a bun
                French fries
                Chicken gumbo soup

And for dessert have some Ice Cream with a variety of Toppings available.

Have a great day (and remember to stay out of the ditches),

Rhoda   :-)


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