[Eoscstudents] THANK YOU!

Andy Mace amace at eosc.edu
Tue Feb 26 14:57:56 CST 2008

On behalf of the Lady Mountaineer basketball program I want to THANK YOU 
for your tremedous effort to get us a crowd AND being part of the crowd 
and support  for the "very important" Carl Albert games  here last night 
which were  our last home games  of the season:  Pat Thomas and her 
Cheerleaders and Pom team  , Eddie Woods and Leland Walker and the Aggie 
Club which was in major attendence, Paul Enis and his band members, 
Coach Thomas and all his baseball team, the BCM and other service 
organizations on campus, Sally Davis, Kim Ott, Liz Duncan and others who 
organized  the tail-gate cookout in front of the gym, Sheila Hunt and 
her workers for their great help, Loma Messex and her FCA group, and all 
the students and staff who attended. The crowd was a major factor in 
both the women's and men's games.
I hope I did not miss anybody we need to thank, but THANK YOU.

Andy Mace, Women's Basketball

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