[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. July 1

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Jul 1 10:03:29 CDT 2008

Happy July folks,

Hard to believe that's here already, isn't it?   I'm still wondering 
what happened to May!  It's amazing how fast time goes by once you're 
out of school and working for a living.  That must explain how I've 
gotten this old without even trying!  I remember when I was a young, 
skinny, twenty something girl, working down at Ben Franklin, (a now 
extinct variety store we used to have here in town), and a local lady 
came in telling me that her class was going to have their 25th reunion 
that year.  I distinctly remember, in my naive little mind, thinking, 
"Wow, that's old!"  Now I'm sitting here thinking my class is going to 
have its 30th reunion next year, and we're not nearly as old as I gave 
her credit for.  It's amazing how your perspective changes with time.  
Maybe by that time we'll have our new building finished and ready to 
show off, or we may even have the reunion here in the new Ballroom!

Remember, Mildred is on vacation this week, so if you need anything from 
the Cafeteria, you'll have to talk to either me or Linda Fox. 

Our menu for today includes:
             Mashed potatoes and brown gravy
             Broccoli and rice casserole
             Blackeyed peas
             Tuna salad
             Potato chips

And for dessert have some all American Apple Cobbler!

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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