[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. June 23

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Jun 23 10:04:05 CDT 2008

Hi folks,

Wow, how did the weekend fly by so fast?  It seemed like I was really 
busy and got a lot done at the house, but had a lot more still to do and 
had to come back to work instead.  Oh well, it's not like housework will 
disappear on its own, is it?  It started out to be a wild night last 
night, too.  We had another mama hen and 9 baby chicks show up, so that 
gave us 2 mama hens and 20 babies!  We moved the first batch into a 
bigger pen on the ground and put the new smaller ones who looked like 
they had just hatched within the last couple of days into the smaller 
pen that's up off the ground.  About 10:30 I heard one of the hens 
squawking for all she was worth and I grabbed the flashlight and ran 
outside to see what was going on.  Chickens may make a lot of noise in 
the daytime, but they don't squawk at night for no reason, and sure 
enough there was a raccoon that had actually gotten into the pen with 
the batch of chickens on the ground and was running around dragging the 
mother hen around by a mouthful of her feathers.  He let her go when I 
showed up and I raised the lid to the pen and he ran for it.  I couldn't 
believe he had gotten in there since the lid had a latch on it, but it 
was off to one side and he managed to force the other side up enough to 
squeeze his very determined and hungry self in for a try at a chicken 
dinner.  I put a bungee cord on the other side after that, made sure the 
latch was fastened and went in the house thinking all would be fine.  
Wrong.  After about 10 minutes, I heard another squawk and went running 
again, to see the rotten raccoon back with his paw stuck through the 
chicken wire trying his luck that way.  He did manage to kill one of the 
babies that time, but didn't get to eat it, and again he had to run for 
it.  This time we put the little family in the henhouse with our other 
big chickens, and things settled down for the night.  I wonder if that 
raccoon was trying to tell me I didn't have any cat food out, so he'd 
have to try and snack on something else?  Yes, I still like raccoons, I 
just don't like them to eat my chickens!

Our menu for today includes:
             Spaghetti with meatballs
             Garlic bread
             Navy beans
             Corn bread
             Steamed red potatoes
             Broccoli with cheese sauce
             Hot dogs
             French fries
             Baked beans
And for dessert have a summertime favorite, Ice Cream and Toppings.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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