[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Oct. 8

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Oct 8 09:51:53 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

Boy, the clouds are scooting by outside, and from the weather report, 
I'd say they're probably gathering up to come back and attack after a 
while.   The percentage of probability of rain is very high for today 
and tomorrow, so you'd better be finding an umbrella, a raincoat, or 
something.  If you're on campus and didn't bring these things from home, 
I believe the Bookstore can fix you right up.  Even their mannequin 
usually has a raincoat on when it gets rainy out.

Happy birthday wishes go out to Rhonda Quinn, the Administrative 
Assistant to our Agriculture Division, and Maye Durant of our McAlester 
campus.  I hope they both have a great day, and don't get wet!

I hope everyone's working on their acts for the Eastern's Got Talent 
talent show coming up next Monday.  The Psycho Club (don't panic, it 
stands for psychology, they're not really crazy) is sponsoring this and 
it should be very entertaining.

Sounds like we have quite a race going in the Eastern's Biggest Loser 
competition.  The front runner, as of a few weeks ago, hasn't been in to 
weigh in in a few weeks now, so we don't know if they are still sticking 
with the program or gave it up, and there's about a 4 or 5 way tie for 
2nd place.  Keep working on it you guys!  You're doing great!  Looks 
like it's still anybody's race.

Our menu for today includes:
                Swedish meatballs
                California blend vegetables
                Baked beans
                Chicken strips
                French fries
                Hot rolls

And for dessert, have a helping of Berry Cobbler or Apple Cobbler.

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)  

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