[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Oct. 21

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Oct 21 10:06:55 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

Well, the clouds are gathering back up outside.  Looks like we might get 
wet before the day's over.  They said on the news this morning that 
there was a meteor shower going on, but nothing we could see thanks to 
all the clouds.  I believe there are still a few days left to possibly 
get a glimpse of it, if the clouds will cooperate by going somewhere else.

Be sure and visit the Employee Benefits Fair upstairs today.   A Credit 
Union representative will be present from 10:00 til 2:00, along with 
various insurance representatives.  And the Staff Council will have our 
informational table right outside the Ballroom, also from 10:00 til 
2:00, manned by various Staff Council members, and complete with 
homemade cookies and goodies for those visiting it. 

There will be a Silent Auction in the Cafeteria today, featuring various 
items, including delicious edible goodies, outdoor gear, and an 
assortment of wonderful items that could be yours if you place the 
winning bid, and someone doesn't sneak in behind you and one up you.  
This is a Psycho Club fundraiser, so come and place your bids and help 
support this wonderful campus organization. 

Also, today is your last chance to get your mug in the next Mountaineer 
Yearbook!  Tick tock, tick tock!  Get over to Mitchell 110 between 9 and 
3 and smile for the camera.

And ALL BIGGEST LOSER PARTICIPANTS should go weigh in today!  You are 
halfway through the competition, so don't lose sight of the goal now!    

Our menu for today includes:
       Hamburger steak
       Mashed potatoes and gravy
       Baby carrots
       Macaroni and cheese
       Steamed cabbage
       Rosemary dumpling soup
       Hot rolls

And for dessert, have some delicious hot, cinnamony Bread Pudding.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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