[Eoscstudents] Haunted Dorm

Kelly Bogard kbogard at eosc.edu
Fri Oct 30 11:36:36 CDT 2009


My sons and a truck load of other's drove over to the Haunted Dorm 
last night...Sheryl was right!!! They had a blast!!! They stayed 
in "scare mode" for the rest of the night. They couldn't stop 
talking/laughing about it. Scared the beegeezees out of 'em. These 
boys were all over 17 years old...old enough to know a good haunting 
from a weak one...

Don't miss it folks if you like that kind of stuff. And to all who 
helped to set it up and put it out for the kids, THANKS SO MUCH for 
your hard work, and for entertaining my kids for the night!

Kelly Bogard, McA Campus

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