[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wet Wed. Sept. 16

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Sep 16 09:46:31 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

I hope none of you have floated away yet.  This rain has our shrubs 
sagging down over our walkway at the house, till I feel like I need a 
machete just to get to the car, and then a can of cat food to get the 
kittens out from under it who obviously don't have sense enough to come 
out of the rain, and think the car is the best place to hide from it.  
(Why they won't stay in their dry bed box, I don't understand.)  I'll be 
glad when this lets up some.  Has it been 40 days and nights yet?  
Remember the good old days when the weatherman kept talking about the 
drought?  I know it didn't seem good then, but it's starting to look 
better, the wetter everything gets.  It might be a good time to schedule 
another Mud Bowl, but I bet that's the only sport that can be played in 
it to do any good..

This is the last day for you procrastinators who put it off yesterday to 
get your picture taken for the Mountaineer yearbook.  Last call, rain or 
shine, bad hair day or not, this is it.  Come on in today between 9:00 
and 3:00 here in the Cafeteria right outside the President's Dining Room 
and say CHEESE!

Our menu for today includes:
             Spanish rice
             Refried beans
             Nacho chips and cheese
             Chicken strips
             French fries

And for dessert, have a helping of some creamy, delicious Banana Pudding.

Stay dry,

Rhoda    :-)

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