[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Friday April 30

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Apr 30 10:04:24 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

It's not only the end of the week, it's the end of the month, and almost 
the end of the semester!  Spring semester is rapidly winding down, with 
next week being graduation, and the week after that finals.  (That 
always seems like a cart before the horse kind of thing, but whatever 
works, I guess.)  I'm always sad to lose each group of students as they 
graduate, even though I don't know them all, and get some of the names 
confused, I have gotten to know several of them somewhat and will miss 
them.  It's pretty special to be here and get to meet kids from all 
over, who have the potential to go on and do really great things with 
their lives, building on the education and experiences they receive here 
at Eastern. 

Speaking of things winding down, there will be a retirement party today 
at 1:00 in the President's Dining Room for a man who is practically an 
Eastern institution.  Although I didn't have him as a teacher, he was 
already teaching here when I was in college WAAAY back when.  After 32 
years, Mr. Maurice Hawthorne is ready to pass the torch to someone else, 
and start a different phase of his life, his well deserved retirement.  
I hope it is every bit as interesting and rewarding as his teaching 
career has been, and I hope he knows he will be missed here in the halls 
of Eastern.

The sun may come out tomorrow, but if you wait till tomorrow to see 
Theatre Eastern's production of "Annie", you'll have waited too long!  
Tonight at 7:30 will be the final performance, so make plans to attend 
this fun-filled show, featuring Eastern students and faculty, as well as 
local children and adults, dancing and singing their hearts out.  
Admission is free to all Eastern employees and students, and only $5 for 
other adults, and $3 for children.  Be there!

Our menu for today includes:
          Fish strips
          French fries
          Macaroni and cheese
          Fried squash
          Green beans
          Hot rolls

And for dessert, have some luscious Strawberry Shortcake!

Have a great weekend,

Rhoda   :-)    
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