[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Jan. 20

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Jan 20 10:09:14 CST 2010

Hi folks,

It's looking like a lovely day out.  Feeling better every day.  I can 
tell we're gradually getting more daylight every week, and even at this 
time of year, I've been seeing huge flocks of birds lately.  (I think I 
know where they've been roosting, too.  I went to a friend's house the 
other day and her husband was in the driveway hosing down and scrubbing 
both of their vehicles after a large flock of birds had very obviously 
spent the night in the big shade tree that overhangs their drive.)

Our menu for today includes:
            Baked or grilled chicken
             Hard shell tacos
             Refried beans
             Mexican rice
             Green beans
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Baked potato bar

And for dessert have a helping of mouth-watering Apple Cobbler.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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