[Eoscstudents] Grant Aid Scholarship for SSS Participants

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Thu Mar 4 10:35:46 CST 2010

Come by anytime between now and  March 31 to sign up for the Grant Aid 
Scholarship through Student Support Services.  McAlester students may 
apply by meeting with me at the McAlester Campus on Tuesdays from 4:00 - 
5:00 p.m   I will be in the Wanda Bass lobby as usual. 

In order to qualify for the scholarship, you MUST be receiving a pell 
grant, you MUST have an unmet need greater than  $890, and you MUST be 
an active participant who joined the SSS project during last semester 
(Fall 09) or before.  The only other condition is that you did NOT 
receive the grant last semester.  DO NOT think that just because you are 
getting pell and OTAG or any other financial aid, and it covers your 
tuition and books,  that you don't have an unmet need.  Unmet need is 
assessed by looking at your total COA (cost of attendance.)  The 
Department of ED gave us extra money this year for Grant Aid that must 
be used by the end of this semester, so we are wanting you to sign up so 
we can help those students who are in greatest need.

Please call me at 918-465-1823 or e-mail me at slovett at eosc.edu for 
further information.

Also:  SSS has opened a new  Facebook account.  Each of  our members 
will be  receiving an invitation to join in the next few days.  If you 
do not have a Facebook account, and need help in setting one up, please 
let one of us know and we can help you set it up.  Most of the news and 
events will be posted on Facebook.  We are in the process of also having 
a WebCT account for SSS participants.  We are making every effort to 
keep you informed, but you have to be responsible for getting the 
information as well.  Look for you Facebook invitation on your EOSC e-mail.

Let me hear from you,
Sue Lovett
Room 115 in Johnston Hall
slovett at eosc.edu

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