[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mountaineer Monday Nov. 1, 2010

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Nov 1 10:12:11 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

In case you're wondering what all the hubbub is on campus today, (maybe 
you've been living in a cave or something and haven't heard), it's 
Mountaineer Monday!  We will have lots of special visitors on campus 
today, just checking us out to see what it's like to attend Eastern, and 
their experiences today could possibly influence their decision to come 
here after they graduate, so be sure and help them have a great Eastern 
experience to remember.  And here's hoping that many of them will come 
back next August as new Mountaineers!

It's also the start of Homecoming Week, with lots of fun activities 
planned throughout the week, culminating in the big Homecoming 
celebration on Saturday, (the parade downtown, the tailgate party, the 
ball games, crowning of the king and queen, etc.)  One of the first 
activities is a  Frozen T-shirt contest today at 3:00 at the clock 
tower, (it says Watermelon Toss on the Eastern calendar, but that's been 
changed), and then a performance by magician, Daniel Martin, at 7:00 
this evening in Mitchell Auditorium.  That should be a lot of fun!  I 
hope I get to come out for that and bring my daughter.  She's informed 
me that she and her buddies will also be here for today's Mountaineer 
Monday activities. 

Happy Birthday wishes go out to Paula Ogden, of our custodial staff.  I 
hope she really enjoys her special day.

Our menu for today includes:
          Baked potatoes
          Black eyed peas
          Scandinavian blend vegetables
          Hot rolls

And for dessert, have a piece of luscious Cheesecake.

Have a great Mountaineer Monday,

Rhoda   :-)
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