[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. Jan. 11, 2011

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Jan 11 10:04:49 CST 2011

Hi folks,

Well, that's one way to start a semester, by having an unexpected snow 
day!  (I'd just like to know how Brenda Kennedy arranged to have a snow 
day on her birthday!)  I had really expected more snow yesterday from 
listening to the weather reports, but I sometimes forget that they are 
usually concentrating more on the Tulsa area than down here in Latimer 
County, so we were able to dodge that bullet.  Looking at the Weather 
Channel Desktop on my computer though, it doesn't look like we'll be 
having much in the way of a temperature for the next couple of days, 
(barely making it to freezing), so please take any precautions you can 
to protect your pets that have to be outside.  The best things for dogs 
and cats, is to be able to be inside your home, garage or other 
outbuilding with some warm bedding, unless you want to sleep outside 
with them to keep them warm.  (I didn't think so.)

Reminder to students:  Please go ahead and bring your student ID card 
with you when you come for meals.  They may not all work in the scanner 
yet, but they should soon, and you need to be in the habit of having 
your ID with you.        

Happy Birthday wishes go out today to Lucy Shelly (formerly Kidd) of the 
Cafeteria.  I hope she has a fun day and doesn't freeze up.  Being from 
Michigan, you'd think she would be used to the cold, but it's not her 
cup of tea.

Our menu for today includes:
          Sweet and sour chicken on rice
          Oriental blend vegetables
          Steamed baby carrots
          Steamed red potatoes
          Stewed tomatoes and zucchini
          Hot rolls

And for dessert, have a helping of Peach Cobbler.

Have a great day and stay warm,

Rhoda   :-)

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