[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. July 11

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Jul 11 09:44:18 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

Looks like another string of scorchers coming up!  Take any precautions 
you can to avoid being out in this heat, or if you MUST be out in it, to 
stay hydrated and as cool as possible.  That goes for your pets, too.  I 
wouldn't recommend taking them with you in the car if you would have to 
leave them at all, as it gets WAY TOO HOT as soon as the air 
conditioning shuts off, and it's not a good idea to leave a pet in a 
car, running or otherwise in this heat for any length of time.  And be 
sure and have plenty of water available for them to drink.  That's an 
absolute life saver in this heat.

I was very sad to see that our Athletic Director and Baseball Coach, 
Aric Thomas, is leaving us, but what an opportunity for him to go on to 
coach at OU!  Aric, I know we all wish you and your family the very best 
as you go on to "the Big Leagues".   

Since I'm planning on working today (had to come in and get out time 
sheets, OR ELSE!) and being off the rest of the week, I'll go ahead and 
wish a very Happy Birthday this Wednesday to three of our Eastern 
Family:  Betty Eason, Debbie Layton and Kristen Turner.  I hope all 
these ladies have a very special day.

Anyone interested in helping get a Community Theatre Group started 
should come to The Gallery on Main Street on Sat. July 16, at 1:00 for 
an exploratory meeting.  If you've always wanted to get out there in the 
spotlight, or maybe work the spotlight, help with costumes, sing, dance 
or whatever, come and visit with other theatre lovers, and lets see what 
we can get going.  It's free and painless, and should be interesting and 

There is a PAWS adoption day scheduled for this Friday at PetSense in 
McAlester.  Go find yourself a new best friend who needs a home and has 
lots of love to give.

And don't forget next Monday, July 18, is RECYCLING DAY at the OSU 
Extension (County Barn) parking lot.  Bring your old batteries, clean 
pesticide containers, paper and magazines, cardboard, #1 & #2 plastic 
bottles, aluminum cans, clean steel cans, ink cartridges and old tires 
(sorry, no tractor or ATV tires), and and join our Extension Center crew 
and the Choctaw Nation in GOING GREEN!  For more information, call Tony 
Johnson at the Extension Center office, at 918-465-3349, or drop by and 
visit with him. 

Our menu for today includes:
            Smoked sausage jambalaya
            Green beans
            Monterrey blend vegetables
            Buttered potatoes
            Hot rolls
And for dessert, have a helping of good old Apple Cobbler. 

Take care and keep cool,
Rhoda    8-)  
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