[Eoscstudents] Tim Tingle

Ruth Brelsford rbrelsford at eosc.edu
Tue Feb 7 09:52:47 CST 2012

Just a reminder that Tim is telling Choctaw stories in the Ball Room tonight
at 7 pm:  in honor of Black History Month, I have asked him to tell CROSSING
BOK CHITA which is one of my favorites of his many stories.  He has
published a beautifully illustrated, full color children's book based on
this story which he learned from an old Choctaw man in Mississippi a long
time ago.  The story is based on the true tale of the Choctaws helping
runaway slaves escape from the plantation on one side of the Bok Chita River
to Choctaw land on the other side.  


Tim will have many of his books and CDs for sell and will be able to sign
them while we snack on punch and cookies.  It will be a wonderful evening.
Please join us.

--Ruth Brelsford

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