[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. Nov. 12

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Nov 12 10:10:38 CST 2012

Hi folks,
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  We've just got this week left before getting off for Thanksgiving Break and I'm sure everyone is excited about that!  I know I am!  I hope the weather is nice so I can get outside and get some yard work done before it gets too cold, rainy, sleety, snowy or whatever is bound to happen.
If you have some spare time this morning, you might want to attend the public performance of Jungle Book, presented by Eastern's Theatre students and new director Sarah Klocke.  They will be doing the show all week for area schools, and will have another public performance Friday evening for those who couldn't get away to see it before.  I loved the Disney movie, and definitely plan on going to see the Eastern production Friday evening!  Can't wait! 
And of special interest to Veterans, there will be a FREE LUNCH FOR VETERANS in the Cafeteria at Noon, followed by a special Veteran's Day Program in the Ballroom at 1:00.   This is sponsored by Ruth Brelsford's Honors Group so be sure and thank them for being a wonderful example of caring and giving back to the community!  They're an outstanding group!  
Also this evening, we will be hosting the AFR Speech Contest in the Ballroom.
Today's menu features:
Pork chops, mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots, sweet peas, garden blend rice, rolls, and strawberry poke cake.
Have a great day at Eastern,
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