[Eoscstudents] ATTENTION SSS Graduates

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Wed Apr 24 09:51:36 CDT 2013

If you are graduating and are a part of the SSS Program, we would like for
you to attend the SSS Graduate Luncheon on April 30, 2013 at 11:30.  You
should have received your invitation by now, and we would like for you to
respond and let us know if you are coming so that we will have enough food
for everyone.  We MUST let the cafeteria know well in advance how many will
be attending!


Also, this is your reminder that you need to do your graduation application
if you are planning to graduate.  It is FREE, it only takes a few minutes,
and you are not under an obligation to walk in the graduation ceremony.
However, transferring will be enhanced by your degree from here because most
colleges in Oklahoma will take all of your credit hours with the diploma.
If you don't have it, when you transfer, you may lose some of those hours
you have accumulated. It's a win, win situation. 


PLEASE fill out your graduate application at your Web Advisor Account. You
can do it wherever you are and at any time.  It is under Academic Profile
(6th item down). As you may have guessed, this will help Student Support
Services as well.  Your support for our program keeps the program open. Your
response to the request from Kathy Howe for the exit interview is also a
helpful tool for us to stay in operation, so please, do fill out the exit


Thank you so much!  Our Student Support Services students are the BEST!!
Congratulations to the awesome 2013 Graduating Class!

Sue Lovett



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