[Eoscstudents] New SPCH 1113 (Fundamentals of Speech) offerings

Timothy O'Neal toneal at eosc.edu
Mon Apr 9 14:22:01 CDT 2018

Greetings everyone!


I hope your semester have gone as well as can be expected.  Since tomorrow
is start of Current Student Enrollment, I thought I would introduce the 3
offerings of Fundamentals of Speech class we'll be offering in the


First are the offerings that you're familiar with:


100% IN CLASS: It will be very similar to what has already been.  Theory and
practical aspects of the course all explored in the classroom with speeches,
assignments, and tests.


ONLINE:  It will be very similar to what has already been as well.  Theory
and practical aspects of the course all explored in Blackboard through
speeches, assignments, and tests.


The new offering we're going to pilot over the summer in McAlester and in
one class in Wilburton in the Fall:


HYBRID: This class will focus more on the practical aspect of speech in
class.  The theory portion will be focused on in greater detail through
Blackboard work.  The version of the class will contain more speeches and
not meet every class meeting, but will still contain all the same theory
work as in the fully in class section with extra impromptu and
extemporaneous speeches.  This class is recommended for students who are
better self-starters and can keep up with a certain amount of online
instruction, students who are more comfortable with a greater certain level
of public speaking, and quite possibly athletes who still need time in the
classroom but need their schedules a little more clear.


If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to email me.


Thank you for your time,


Timothy O'Neal



Timothy O'Neal, MFA

Speech Department Chair/Humanities Instructor

Eastern Oklahoma State College

1301 W. Main St.

Wilburton, OK   74578


918.465.4456 FAX


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