[Oacrao-l] Degree Works Users Meeting - Update

Brown, Kyle J kyle.j.brown at okstate.edu
Fri Mar 13 16:47:17 CDT 2020

Hello All,

I just wanted to send a follow up regarding our plans for the Degree Works Users Meeting that was sent out last week.

Given the current situations with COVID-19 and recommendations by health officials, at this time, we will be delaying the Degree Works Users Meeting. While a new date has not been set, we will continue to monitor the ongoing changes and identify a new meeting date when appropriate.

I appreciate everyone's interest in this event and look forward to our future meeting.

Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions,

Kyle J. Brown
Oklahoma State University - Oklahoma City
900 N. Portland Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
kyle.j.brown at okstate.edu<mailto:kyle.j.brown at okstate.edu>

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