[Oacrao-l] Question on Degree Conferrals/Dates

Kristie L. Luke KLuke at se.edu
Fri Jan 28 11:48:50 CST 2022

Hello All,

I am seeking information on when everyone confers degrees for students completing course requirements in block terms.   Right now, Southeastern confers degrees three times a year:  December, May, and August.   This is with one official graduation/degree date for each term-even if the student completed requirements in the first half of the "parent" term and/or were conferred late for the term.  Since we offer two block terms within a traditional 16 week "parent" term, we are being asked to consider conferring degrees at the end of the first 8-week block and again at the end of the traditional term.   Since we've never done things that way before, I wanted to see what everyone else is doing.

My questions are:

  1.  How many times do you confer degrees per semester/year?
  2.  If more than once a term, how many times per semester?
  3.  Do you have issues with NSC enrollment/degree reporting if you graduate students at multiple times in a semester?

Any comments/suggestions are appreciated.


Kristie Luke
Associate Dean
Institutional Research and Records
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
425 W University
Durant, OK 74701

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