[Oacrao-l] Please consider nominating a colleague or coworker for an OACRAO award!

Mehl, Ross B. rmehl at ou.edu
Mon Sep 25 10:22:11 CDT 2023

Hello All,

Many of you have seen the announcement for the Fall 2023 OACRAO Annual Conference, "How do you like them apples?". Before the conference, we need your help! Please nominate a colleague or coworker for one of our OACRAO awards: Honorary Membership or Distinguished Service Award.

Simply send us the following:

  1.  Your Name, Position, School, and Contact information
  2.  Nominee's Name, Position, School, and Contact information
  3.  Tell us how your nominee meets the criteria below.

Please send via email to lchecorski-campbell at rose.edu<mailto:lchecorski-campbell at rose.edu> before Friday, October 6, 2023.

Your OACRAO Committee Member,
Lauren Checorski-Campbell

I. Honorary Membership: Individuals no longer eligible for active membership in the Association may be recommended by continued affiliation as honorary members. This honor is reserved for persons retiring or leaving the profession, who have made significant contributions to the admissions and records professions and to OACRAO.

Recognition will be based upon consideration of many factors, including, but not limited to the following:

1.          Nominee service to the admissions and records profession for a substantial period of his or her career.

2.          Regular attendance at OACRAO meetings.

3.          OACRAO officer, committee service or program participant.

4.          Participation in state (OACRAO), regional (SACRAO) and national (AACRAO) activities. Emphasis will be placed on OACRAO activities.

5.     Other professional activities, publications, etc.

Recognition may be given to retiring individuals in their last year prior to retirement if they formally announce retirement. Otherwise, honorary membership will be conferred in the year following retirement.

II. Distinguished Service Award: This award is conferred for distinguished service to OACRAO. The nominee for this award must be an active member of OACRAO who has contributed significantly to the Association, and to higher education in Oklahoma. Nominations are to be submitted to the executive committee and only one nomination will be accepted from each member institution. The award is not mandatory and the executive committee is not required to make the award if in their opinion, it is not merited in a particular year.

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