[Oasfaa] Alternative Loan Question

Jonna Raney Jonna.Raney at okbu.edu
Mon Aug 27 15:57:35 CDT 2007

I'd like to know how far schools are going to find non-certified loans to include as a resource in a students' fa package.  We have had several loans this year that the student had to send verification of enrollment and so they had our Registrar's office send the verification to the lender.  Is this a situation that if anyone on campus has the information, my office should have the information?  If so, how do we get the amount?  It's a hassle and most of the time, it won't affect the aid package, but I don't want to stop short of doing something simply because it's extra work.

All that to say, what are you doing?

Thanks in advance for any feedback,
Jonna Raney

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