[Oasfaa] Dependency Override due to change in Marital Status

Daniel Watkins daniel.watkins at swcu.edu
Fri Feb 9 14:55:03 CST 2007

I have a student that was wanting to change his marital status *after* he
had already completed that FAFSA. I told him we could not make that change
since he was not married at the time he completed the application. However,
I am wondering if we can make a Professional Judgment to *override his
dependency status* due to his getting married if we have the marriage
license, student and spouse's taxes, etc. I understand that it states in the
Handbook that the student cannot update marital status after the time of
application, but I have never run across this situation and would like any
help anyone can offer.

Daniel Watkins
Financial Aid Director
Southwestern Christian University

e-mail: daniel.watkins at swcu.edu
voice: (405) 789-7661 x3456
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