[Oasfaa] Vicki update

Emerson, Kristina K kristina-emerson at utulsa.edu
Wed May 9 16:39:58 CDT 2007

Hi Everyone...


I know I have not sent an update since Friday and here it is Wednesday
so please forgive the lateness...


Vicki had a pretty good weekend...her sister came up and stayed until
Monday at noon and Vicki was so happy to see her!!!  She had her last
scheduled plasma exchange on Monday and they had also scheduled a
dialysis session for that same day.  On Monday afternoon they decided to
cancel the dialysis as her numbers were looking better and they did not
want to compromise the kidneys in any way.  I can not tell you how much
better her coloring looks to me after these exchanges...she is also
getting VERY feisty and is still quite anxious.  She is taking meds to
help her with the anxiety but those 4 walls would be closing in on any
of us for this length of time.  She went out to the plaza last week for
some much needed fresh air and even rolled into the gift shop on her way
back to the room :-)  We know how much she loves to shop so that
definitely lifted her spirits that day :-) :-) :-)


They are taking x-rays pretty often to check for fluid in her
lungs...the one they took on the 7th showed pretty comparable to the one
on the 4th.  They are doing another today as her breathing is somewhat
labored and they are not getting clear sounds when they listen to her.
They said the fluid will come off slowly as she gets more protein in her
body.  I personally think I see a difference in her wrists as the
hospital bracelets don't seem to look as tight as before.


The kidney biopsy that was sent to Boston has come back and is
confirming the H.U.S.T.T.P.  The bone marrow biopsy that was sent to the
Mayo in Rochester will not be back for a bit longer as it is a very
precise test and it takes time to rule things out.  


They did another plasma exchange today and have scheduled 3 more after
today.  These will continue to be done until her blood counts stabilize.
This is not uncommon at all to do more after the first initial round and
can even be done as needed outpatient at the hospital after she is home.
That is why they plan to leave the cath in for a while after she is


Please continue to pray for the doctors as they treat her and pray for
strength and courage for Vicki.  We know she is a fighter and I
witnessed first hand last week some of that tenacity she has which was
so good to see as it had been way to long since I had seen it!!!! :-)


While I was there this afternoon a hospital volunteer delivering
"several" emails asked if she could talk to us for a minute.  It was
Vicki, the plasma lady and I in the room.  She said she came in one day
last week to make a delivery and Vicki was not there.  She came in to
leave the cards on the bed and said that she felt an overwhelming
presence of God.  She told Vicki that she has never seen so many cards
in one room ever.  Every wall is covered and the banner from TU takes up
one entire wall by itself.  She told Vicki that she has never had this
feeling during all the years she has worked there.  She told Vicki she
can see what a lovely person she is just by all the love that is being
sent to her in cards and emails.  It was incredible to stand there and
listen to her...she told Vicki that even though she does not know her
she wanted Vicki to know that she is praying for her!!!!  We all know
how special Vicki is and even in sickness her sweet spirit is coming
through to strangers!!!!


Thank you for all the cards, emails, calls, but most of all the




Kristi Emerson

Assistant Director, Student Financial Services

The University of Tulsa

600 South College Avenue

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74104


918.631.5105 (fax)

kristi-emerson at utulsa.edu




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