[Oasfaa] Thursday/Friday Update/Vicki

Emerson, Kristina K kristina-emerson at utulsa.edu
Fri May 11 09:27:50 CDT 2007

Hi Everyone...



Vicki had a good day Thursday.  Her creatinne level has dropped to
almost normal.  They did another plasma exchange and plan to do another
one today (Friday).  I don't know if they will continue after today.  On
Wednesday they had said 3 more exchanges.


Her Infectious Disease doctor is back on board as they have discovered
some type of germ in her bone morrow that he says is rare that it is in
the marrow.  They plan to have her on IV antibiotics for 2 weeks to
treat it.  She is somewhat distressed and depressed as she is not
wanting to stay in the hospital for another 2 weeks.  It MAY be possible
that the IV could be done at home but please know I am saying MAYBE.  


Please continue to lift her up.  With this Sunday being Mother's Day, we
know she would want nothing more than to be out of the hospital and that
does not look like it will happen.  Just pray for God's healing touch in
her body.  He knows every detail of what is going on when we do not have
the answers.   I know his time and our time are totally different, but
please pray for divine answers as soon as possible.


Thank you for your many thoughts and prayers!!!!!!!!!!!






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