[Oasfaa] PLUS Certification Question

Larry Hollingsworth lhollingsworth at osla.org
Thu Sep 27 15:15:59 CDT 2007

Hi Friends,


For those of you who process PLUS loans, I need your help please. I
don't want to take up a lot of time so here's the question - What do you
do when there has been a divorce and the FAFSA is filled out correctly
with the "supportive" (as defined by FAFSA instructions) parent's info,
but the other parent is the one who applies for the PLUS? In other
words, the PLUS applicant is a natural or adoptive parent whose
information is not on the FAFSA which you received. Do you:


1.	Certify the PLUS without any additional info.
2.	Refuse to certify a PLUS for a "non-supportive" parent period. 
3.	Certify the PLUS if ... if what?
4.	Other... anything from above options?


This is not a trick question nor is it an effort to determine what is
right or what is wrong way. All I need to know is a 1, 2, 3 (with brief
explanation) or 4 (with brief explanation). So again, thank for taking a
moment to respond. If anyone is interested in the responses, I'll be
glad to post them without school names. 








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